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TheJourney of Life 14 th Sept. Welcome Back! Excited? Glad to be back? Eager to get educated?

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Presentation on theme: "TheJourney of Life 14 th Sept. Welcome Back! Excited? Glad to be back? Eager to get educated?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TheJourney of Life 14 th Sept

2 Welcome Back! Excited? Glad to be back? Eager to get educated?

3 It’s good to see everyone again, if only to spot who has returned with a Strange new hairstyle Whose voice has broken over the summer Who has come back about a foot taller than they were last term

4 We can also see Which teacher has left Which teacher has arrived Which teacher got married during the holiday

5 We got a new Timetable to get use to New class to be in New teachers to meet Maybe whole new subjects to learn

6 New Beginning It’s a fresh new start, the beginning of the next stage in life’s journey. Now is the time to think about what we want to achieve this year, next year, and the years to come. Where will the journey take us?

7 WHEN YOU’RE ON A JOURNEY When you’re on a journey, you’re usually heading for somewhere - you have a destination in mind: school, home, your friend’s house, your auntie’s house, the hotel in Spain or the caravan in Wales. Especially on longer journeys, the scenery will change along the way; there might be different stages to your journey; and you might have problems to deal with. The whole experience might teach you something about yourself that you didn’t know before: that you get travel sick at the back of a coach; that you really enjoy seeing new places; or that you hate caravans.

8 LIFE IS A JOURNEY Life is much the same. We’re all travelling through our lives and most people stop off at similar places along the way: adolescence, getting a job, finding a partner, having children, and so on.

9 ©Flickr/wieland 7 Buddhists might go to a place that was visited by the Buddha, for instance Bodh Gaya in India where the Mahabodhi Temple marks the place where the Buddha became enlightened - or to put it another way - where he worked out what he thought was wrong with the world, and what to do about it.

10 ©Flickr/webmink Christians have a whole variety of places they can go to on a pilgrimage: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Rome, Lourdes; but in this country many Christians like to go to Walsingham in Norfolk or Canterbury Cathedral in Kent.

11 ©Flickr/Dey Hindus also have many places of pilgrimage to choose from, but the most important is the river Ganges which they believe will wash away bad karma – which means that they will not have to face punishment for the things they have done wrong.

12 ©Flickr/Al Jazeera English Muslims go on the Hajj – a journey to Makkah in Saudi Arabia where they see the Ka’bah, a cube shaped temple that was the first building to be used for the worship of Allah. They also travel out of the city to the Plain of Arafat where they ask for Allah’s forgiveness, so they can return home with a clean slate

13 ©Flickr/Matthew Wilkinson Jews go to Jerusalem where a huge Temple once stood. It was the centre of Jewish life for hundreds of years until it was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. Only the Western Wall is left standing, but Jews still go there to pray and to feel connected with their history.

14 ©Flickr/Gashwin Sikhism does not have an official pilgrimage, but many Sikhs like to go to Amritsar in India to see the Golden Temple - the first ever Sikh holy building - which houses the original copy of the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib. Very often the place of pilgrimage isn’t the point. The aim of the journey is to learn more about yourself as you travel. Sikhism does not have an official pilgrimage, but many Sikhs like to go to Amritsar in India to see the Golden Temple - the first ever Sikh holy building - which houses the original copy of the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib. Very often the place of pilgrimage isn’t the point. The aim of the journey is to learn more about yourself as you travel.

15 ©Flickr/midlander1231 So imagine that your life is a journey and you are travelling towards a tower you can see in the distance. The tower can represent anything you want - a dream you want to come true, an ambition you want to fulfil, a goal you want to achieve. It might be passing your GCSEs, training to be a doctor, writing a book - anything.

16 ©Flickr/Andy Hares So how are you going to reach that tower? Here are our Top Ten Tips for the Journey of Your Lifetime.

17 ©Flickr/tpholland 1. Keep the tower in sight

18 ©Flickr/Bods

19 ©Flickr/M.Hillier

20 ©Flickr/Simon Grieg (xrrr)

21 ©Flickr/Dunk the Funk

22 ©Flickr/Doha Sam 6. Read the signs

23 ©Flickr/sonson 7. Get lost

24 ©Flickr/Juan Mann

25 ©Flickr/ockenden

26 ©Flickr/Joseph Knapp Photography 10. Enjoy the journey!

27 ©Flickr/midlander1231

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