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QUICK QUIZ True or False 15 Questions. NO TALKING.

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Presentation on theme: "QUICK QUIZ True or False 15 Questions. NO TALKING."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUICK QUIZ True or False 15 Questions


3 Q1 Energy is measured in Joules

4 Q2 One line of defence against infection is in your blood, as white blood cells or leucocytes

5 Q3 When invaded by a pathogen your body responds by making vaccines

6 Q4.Harmful micro-organisms can be taken in by eating improperly prepared meals or through unsafe storage of foods.

7 Q5. Virulence is a measure of how much damage a disease does to the host.

8 Q6. According to the food pyramid we should eat more servings of breads and cereals than any other food group

9 Q7. Antibiotics are drugs that are able to selectively kill off certain pathogens while leaving the patient’s own body cells intact.

10 Q8. An agent or pathogen is something that uses the host for food or shelter

11 Q9. An outbreak has happened when a disease has suddenly gotten out of control.

12 Q10. Genetic disorders are diseases that have now all been cured thanks to genetic biology.

13 Q11. One characteristic that is used to identify bacteria is their shape

14 Q12. A balanced diet should consist of a variety of foods including fresh fruit and vegetables, breads and cereals, dairy products, fish, lean meats and water.

15 Q13. The glycemic index (GI) is used to rate carbohydrate containing foods

16 Q14. Low-GI foods give long- lasting and more sustained supply of energy.

17 Q15. A micro-organism (often called a microbe) is a very small organism that can be seen only by using a microscope.

18 A1. Energy is measured in Joules True

19 A2. One line of defence against infection is in your blood, as white blood cells or leucocytes True

20 A3. When invaded by a pathogen your body responds by making vaccines - False. When invaded by a pathogen your body responds by making antibodies

21 A4. Harmful micro-organisms can be taken in by eating improperly prepared meals or through unsafe storage of foods. True

22 A5. Virulence is a measure of how much damage a disease does to the host. True

23 A6. According to the food pyramid we should eat more servings of breads and cereals than any other food group True

24 A7. Antibiotics are drugs that are able to selectively kill off certain pathogens while leaving the patient’s own body cells intact. True

25 A8.An agent or pathogen is something that uses the host for food or shelter - True

26 A9. An outbreak has happened when a disease has suddenly gotten out of control True

27 A10. Genetic disorders are diseases that have now all been cured thanks to genetic biology. False, there are many genetic diseases encountered by society.

28 A11.One characteristic that is used to identify bacteria is their shape True

29 A12. A balanced diet should consist of a variety of foods including fresh fruit and vegetables, breads and cereals, dairy products, fish, lean meats and water. True

30 A13.The glycemic index (GI) is used to rate carbohydrate containing foods True

31 A14. Low-GI foods give long- lasting and more sustained supply of energy. True

32 Q15. A micro-organism (often called a microbe) is a very small organism that can be seen only by using a microscope True

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