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Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 1 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Are you ready for the tutorial? 1.Grab a Worksheet and instructions 2.Did you do.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 1 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Are you ready for the tutorial? 1.Grab a Worksheet and instructions 2.Did you do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 1 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Are you ready for the tutorial? 1.Grab a Worksheet and instructions 2.Did you do the pre-work? A. Do you have an account? B. Have you installed the tools? * SSH * omni GENI Portal is at: 3.Connect to the network Connect to MSU-Visitor Mac Users: a.Browse to: b.Enter your e-mail address

2 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Lab Zero: A First Experiment using GENI Sarah Edwards, GENI Project Office

3 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Hands On Exercise Do a Simple Experiment in GENI Reserve two VMs connected at Layer 2 Layer 2 VM

4 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Use the GENI Portal and Jacks

5 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Experiment Workflow Part I: Design/Setup Part II: Execute Part III: Finish

6 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 The GENI Portal is… A web-based tool for experimenters to manage experimenters, projects, and slices. Includes simple tools to reserve resources. More to come in the future.

7 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Jacks and jFed are … Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for: –designing topologies in GENI –reserving resources in GENI

8 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 8 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Experiment Workflow Part I: Design/Setup Part II: Execute Part III: Finish

9 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 9 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Part I: Establish Management Environment 1 Pre-work: Design your experiment 2.1 Pre-work: Create a GENI account 2.2 Pre-work: Project lead (aka professor) adds you to project Project Name: GEC22 2.3 Generate and Download SSH Keypair

10 You are here Projects Slices Log Messages HelpProfile Tools Map

11 2 Login Join Project Generate SSH Keys & SSL Certs

12 On your local machine… > mv ~/Downloads/id_geni_ssh_rsa ~/.ssh/. > chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_geni_ssh_rsa > ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_geni_ssh_rsa 2

13 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 13 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 slice Part I continued: Obtain Resources 3.1 Create a slice 3.2 (optional) Renew your slice 3.3 Reserve two VMs at one aggregate 3.4 Check Whether VMs are Ready to be Used Layer 2 VM

14 3.1 Create Slice

15 3.2 Extend slice expiration

16 3.3 Launch tool

17 Launch Tool 3.3

18 Draw two VMs connected by a link 3.3

19 Change names of VMs 3.3

20 Set IP and mask of interfaces

21 3.3 Reserve resources Bind to an Aggregate Select a Slice

22 Resources are READY!!! 3.4

23 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 23 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Experiment Workflow Part I: Design/Setup Part II: Execute Part III: Finish

24 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 24 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Part II: Execute Experiment 4.1 Login to all three nodes 5.1 Test Connectivity 5.2 Explore the Data and Control Planes 6.1 Logout of nodes Internet Data Interfaces Control Interfaces ssh Layer 2 Experimenter serverclient

25 Login 4.1

26 $ sudo ifconfig $ ping –c 5 # server data i/f $ ping –c 5 # server ctrl i/f $ sudo ifconfig NodeB/ NodeC NodeA 5.1

27 Worksheet Slice Name: lab0 5.1 NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB eth___ ___.___.___.___ Data i/f Control i/f Data i/f Control i/f Internet Control plane switch Data plane switch GENI Rack

28 $ sudo apt-get install iperf $ hash # server data i/f $ iperf –c … # server ctrl i/f $ iperf –c … $ sudo apt-get install iperf $ hash # start an iperf server $ iperf -s NodeB NodeA 5.1

29 What is the bandwidth of the data link? Why? What is the bandwidth of the control link? Why? NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB eth___ ___.___.___.___ Data i/f Control i/f Data i/f Control i/f Internet Control plane switch Data plane switch GENI Rack

30 Demo here

31 5.2 Configure routing eth___

32 5.2 Configure a static route route add -net netmask gw dev eth0 In above command: add -Indicates that the route is added to routing table. -net -Indicates that desination is a network. -Indicates IP address of destination network. netmask -Indicates the subnetmask of destination network. From: sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward' Configure IP routing

33 # ping server data i/f $ ping … # ping server ctrl i/f $ ping … $ exit # For ExoGENI only do: $ sudo service neuca stop # bring down data i/f $ sudo ifconfig eth12541 down # bring down ctrl i/f $ sudo ifconfig eth999 down NodeB NodeA 5.3

34 Demo here

35 5.3 When you bring down the data interface, the destination should become unreachable. Why? NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB eth___ ___.___.___.___ Data i/f Control i/f Data i/f Control i/f Internet Control plane switch Data plane switch GENI Rack

36 5.3 After you bring down the control interface, the destination becomes unreachable. Why? NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB eth___ ___.___.___.___ Data i/f Control i/f Data i/f Control i/f Internet Control plane switch Data plane switch GENI Rack

37 5.3 After you bring down the control interface, your ssh session should immediately hang. Why? NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB eth___ ___.___.___.___ Data i/f Control i/f Data i/f Control i/f Internet Control plane switch Data plane switch GENI Rack

38 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 38 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 You are trying to log in to a compute node on GENI using SSH and can’t. Which are possible explanations? a)You entered the wrong password b)You didn’t offer the private key that matches the public key c)The public key wasn’t loaded onto the node d)Permissions on the private key are too permissive e)(b), (c), and (d)

39 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 39 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Experiment Workflow Part I: Design/Setup Part II: Execute Part III: Finish

40 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 40 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Finish Don’t Delete YET!!! We will clean up later

41 Delete Resources 7

42 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 42 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Part III: Finish Experiment When your experiment is done, you should always release your resources. –Normally this is when you would archive your data –Delete your resources at each aggregate slice project aggregate experimenter resource

43 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 43 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Congratulations! You have… –Run your first GENI Experiment! –Exercised your knowledge of GENI terminology –Used the GENI Portal and Jacks or jFed

44 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 44 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Welcome to GENI!

45 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 45 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Backups

46 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 46 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB eth___ ___.___.___.___ Data i/f Control i/f Data i/f Control i/f Internet Control plane switch Data plane switch GENI Rack

47 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 47 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 eth___

48 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 48 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB Control i/f Internet Control plane switch GENI Rack NodeC eth___ Data plane switch eth___

49 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 49 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB Control i/f Internet Control plane switch GENI Rack NodeC eth___ Data plane switch eth___

50 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 50 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB Control i/f Internet Control plane switch GENI Rack NodeC eth___ Data plane switch eth___

51 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 51 GREESC15– May 25, 2015 Data plane switch NodeA eth___ ___.___.___.___ eth___ ___.___.___.___ NodeB Control i/f Internet Control plane switch GENI Rack NodeC eth___ eth___

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