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Table 4.1.1: Stock and Flow of Liver Transplantation, 1993-2005 Year 93949596*979899000102**030405 New transplant patients 1181332835105165 Deaths 0034104125144.

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1 Table 4.1.1: Stock and Flow of Liver Transplantation, 1993-2005 Year 93949596*979899000102**030405 New transplant patients 1181332835105165 Deaths 0034104125144 Re-transplant 0000000000000 Lost to follow up 0000000101011 Functioning graft at 31 st December 127161719232427313445 * 1 patient who was alive until 05/12/1997 is recorded died with missing date of death ** 1 patient who had transplanted in 2003 is recorded as death with missing date of death

2 Figure 4.1.1: Stock and Flow of Liver Transplantation, 1993-2005 Number of patients Year 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 New patients Alive at 31st Dec 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

3 Table 4.1.2: Place of Transplant, 1993-2005 Year93949596979899000102030405TOTAL No. Local00810118359214566 Overseas110321000132014 TOTAL118133283510516580

4 Table 4.1.3: Centres for Liver transplantation, 1993-2005 Year93949596979899000102030405TOTAL CentreNo. Subang Jaya Medical Centre0081011835627051 Hospital Selayang000000000307515 Australia10031000000005 National University Hospital, Singapore 00001100000002 Kings College Hospital, UK01000000000001 Tianjin, China00000000001102 Asian Centre for Liver Disease & Transplantation, Singapore 0000000001210*4 TOTAL118133283510516580 * Data was not reported.

5 Table 4.1.4: Distribution of Centres of Follow-up of Transplant Recipients, 2005 Centre No.% Number of patient with functioning graft at 31 st December 2005 45100 Kuala Lumpur Hospital 2 4 SJMC 27* 60 Selayang Hospital 12 27 Singapore 1* 2 UMMC 3 7 * Follow-up data was not reported.

6 Table 4.2.1: Gender distribution, 1993-2005 Year 93949596979899000102030405TOTAL Gender No. Male 0065213127510 2 44 Female 112811523306 3 33 TOTAL 118133283510516 5 80 Figure 4.2.1: Gender distribution, 1993-2005 Number of patients Year 0 2 4 6 8 10 Male Female 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

7 Table 4.2.2: Ethnic group distribution, 1993-2005 Year 93949596979899000102030405TOTAL Ethnic group No. Malay 0123104123111 3 32 Chinese 106821223645 1 41 Indian 000201100000 1 5 Others 000000100100 0 2 TOTAL 118133283510516 5 80 Figure 4.2.2: Ethnic group distribution, 1993-2005 Number of patients Year 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Malay Chinese Indian Others 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

8 Table 4.2.3: Age distribution, 1993-2005 Year1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005TOTAL Age, yearsNo. <100000100010002 1-41131131534429249 5-9003100201423319 10-1400110000000103 15-1900000010000102 20-3900100000010002 40-5900000000000101 >=6000000000001102 TOTAL118133283510516580 Mean2494214126251247 SD--941151274222313 Median24622131241352 Minimum242213 months1114 months1113 months Maximum2430142115252473748 * Age=date of transplant – date of birth

9 Table 4.2.4: Primary diagnosis, 1993-2005 (N=80) Year1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005TOTAL Primary Diagnosis No. Biliary atresia11712317256210461 Metabolic liver disease00110000020206 Cholestatic liver disease00000101000013 Primary biliary cirrhosis00000000000000 Primary sclerosing cholangitis 00000000000000 Autoimmune hepatitis00000010000001 Chronic hepatitis B00000000003205 Chronic hepatitis C00000000000000 Alcoholic liver disease00000000000000 Malignancies00000000012104 Acute liver failure00000000000101 Idiopathic / Cryptogenic00000000000000 Others00000000020114 *5 patients have more than one primary disease

10 Table 4.2.5: Indication for Transplantation, 1993-2005 (N=80) Year199 3 199 4 199 5 199 6 199 7 199 8 199 9 200 0 200 1 200 2 200 3 200 4 200 5 TOTA L Indication for Transplantation No. Recurrent encephalopathy00100010010003 Uncontrolled bleeding varices000710411002016 Intractable ascites00000000000000 Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis00000000000000 Poor liver function117113183593 467 Malignancy00000000001001 Unacceptable quality of life00000000010012 Failure to thrive, growth retardation in paediatric patients 006103263572 357 Others00000000000123 No data00000000011204 *15 patients had 1 indication for transplantation, 61 had more than 1 indication for transplantation

11 Table 4.2.6: Recipient blood group, 1993-2005 (N=80) Year1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005TOTAL Blood groupNo. A 012000301314116 B 001201201101110 AB 00010100000114 O 002510333518233 No data 103520000132017 TOTAL 118133283510516580

12 Table 4.3.1: Type of transplant, 1993-2005 (N=80) Year1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005TOTAL Type of TransplantNo. Cadaveric10031000011 4213 Living related - Mother01521252222 7132 Living related - Father00271020230 1219 Living related - Son00000000001 102 Living related - Brother00000000010 001 Living related - emotionally 00000000001 001 Living unrelated00110011130 3011 TOTAL1181332835105 16579 * 1 patient is Living related - Other

13 Table 4.3.2: Immunosuppressive drug treatment at transplantation, 1993-2005 (N=80) Year1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005TOTAL Immunosuppressive drugs No. Steroids00250252551 12 544 Azathioprine00000000000 4 59 Cyclosporin A11120001000 0 06 Tacrolimus (FK506)00372282595 13 561 Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) 00000000000 0 00 Rapamycin00000000012 0 03 Monoclonal / Polyclonal antibody 00000000000 0 00 Anti IL2R Antibodies00000000000 0 00 Others00000000000 0 00 No data00431000010 4 013 TOTAL patients 118133283510516 5 80 * 21 patients had 1 type of drug, 37 patients had 2 types, 9 patients had 3 types

14 Table 4.4.1: Patient survival by year of transplant, 1993-2005 (N=80) Year of Transplant1993 - 19981999 - 2005 Interval (months)% SurvivalSE% SurvivalSE 1827806 6719667 12719667 SE=standard error Figure 4.4.1: Patient survival by year of transplant, 1993-2005

15 Table 4.4.2: Patient survival by gender, 1993-2005 (N=80) GenderMaleFemale Interval (months)% SurvivalSE% SurvivalSE 1806836 6687698 12687698 SE=standard error Figure 4.4.2: Patient survival by gender, 1993-2005

16 Table 4.4.3: Patient survival by age group, 1993-2005 (N=80) Age group0-9 years>=10 years Interval (months)% SurvivalSE% SurvivalSE 1795100- 66668812 6668812 SE=standard error Figure 4.4.3: Patient survival by age group, 1993-2005

17 Table 4.4.4: Causes of death, 1993-2005 (N=80) Year19951996199719981999200020012002200320042005TOTAL Causes of deathNo. Died due to graft failure. Cause unknown. Recurrent histocytosis ? 000000000011 Portal vein thrombosis 000000000101 Chronic graft rejection 000000100001 Intra abdominal bleeding 000000001001 Ischaemic liver necrosis 000001000001 Peritonitis and Septicaemia 000000010001 ? Graft versus host reaction 000000000011 CMV Pneumonia 000010000001 Decompensated Liver cirrhosis post liver transplant with DIVC 000000010001 Died at home 000000000101 Intra-cerebral Haemorrhage 000010000001 Intracranial Haemorrhage 010000000001 Metastasis to scalp and chest. 000000000011 NA 100000000001 Not Available as notes disposed 100000000001 Notes not available 100000000001 Oesophageal Varices / Bleeding 000010000001 Pneumonia and Respiratory Failure 010000000001 Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease and Septicaemia 000000100001 Sepsis 000000010001 Sepsis severe and multi-organ failure 010000000001 Bleeding Oesophageal 001010000002 Septicaemia 000000000112 Septicaemia with DIVC 010000010002 Unknown 000000010102 TOTAL 3410412514429 * 2 patients with no date of death

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