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CNS INFECTION Prepare by :Abeer AL-sayeg Prepare by :Abeer AL-sayeg.

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Presentation on theme: "CNS INFECTION Prepare by :Abeer AL-sayeg Prepare by :Abeer AL-sayeg."— Presentation transcript:

1 CNS INFECTION Prepare by :Abeer AL-sayeg Prepare by :Abeer AL-sayeg

2 CNS infection CNS including brain and spinal cord The infection of CNS by both bacteria and virus The infection is fatal and may be cause mortality if not treated in early stage of infection

3 Neisseria menigitidis meningitis Neisseria menigitidis is gram negative diplococcus that may be found with in polymorphonuclear leukocyte about 20% of the population carry this bacteria in the oropharynx It is fatal and relatively high risk period for any individual




7 Symptoms PetechialSepticaemia Endotoxin shook Intracerebral bleeding Diagnoses Blood stained CSF sample


9 Virulence Factors capsule (anti- phagocytic) Lipo-oligosaccharide(LOS)Endotoxine IGA protease

10 Diagnostic Factors Diplococci in spinal fluid (gram stain) Gram negative coffe-bean shaped diplococci Growth on thayer martin media Oxidase positive


12 transmitted transmitted N. meningitidis colonizes mucosal surfaces of nasopharynx and is transmitted through direct contact with large droplet respiratory secretions from the patients or asymptomatic carriers. Humans are the only host

13 Treatment Penicillin or third-generation cephalosporin that may be combined with chloramphenicol grouping of meningococci is based on antigenic structure of its capsule. There avaccin protect against gp A and C but not effect against gp B.

14 Heamophilus influenzae b maningitiis Encapsulated strain of plemorphic gram negative

15 pathogenes Respiratory tract May be spread via blood stream from respiratory tract to the brain Nerological damge

16 preventation Infant from 3-4 months are protect from infection by their inhierited maternal anti- bodies and by age of 3-4 years children will have their own anti-bodies. Vaccing has been develop to protect infant it is given at 2-3 and 4 months age (with other vaccine)

17 Treatment Ampicillin if isolated not produce b-lactmase -athired generation cephalosporin or chloramphenicol. -close contact of children with haemophilus mengitis should receive rifampicin to prevent secondary occuringn.

18 Virus infection Rabies: Old name of Rabies is hydrophobia. Rabies is an invariably fatal infection of human acquired from the bite of an infected mammal

19 Virus infection Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that can affected of CNS of any kind of mammal, including humans. Animals that are infected with rabies can spread the disease through their saliva or brain matter. People may be exposed to rabies when bitten by an infected wild or domestic animal.


21 The typical incubation period for rabies is 4 to 6 weeks. During the incubation period, there are usually no symptoms of rabies. incubation periodincubation period symptoms include pain and numbness at the site of the bite Early

22 symptoms Sore throat. Fever.Headache. Muscle spasm. Convulsion. In ability of patients with rabies to swallow dye to damage to the nerves that control swallowing.

23 symptoms Later symptoms are more distinctive and may include AnxietyHallucinationsDeliriumparalysis



26 diagnosed Direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test:this. common, rapid test detects the rabies virus protein. DFA testing is done by taking a sample of tissue from the potentially affected area.

27 diagnosed Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. This test detects the genetic material (DNA) of the rabies virus proteins. PCR testing is very accurate and can be done on saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, or tissue. cerebrospinal fluid cerebrospinal fluid

28 treated Once rabies symptoms appear, the disease progresses rapidly, and there is no cure. If medical treatment is provided before symptoms develop, the virus almost always is eliminated before it can cause serious damage. Medical treatment for rabies includes:

29 treated Wound care If you are bitten by an animal, clean the wound immediately with plenty of soap and water to reduce the risk of infection.

30 treated vaccinations known as postexposure prophylaxis (PEP). The vaccinations help the body's immune system destroy the disease in its early stages. When the vaccinations are given before more serious symptoms appear, they usually prevent infection from developing


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