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Who does ECS3 and TDP. Engineering Career Skills 3 Skills of use now, and a starting point for building up the skills you will need for the rest of your.

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1 Who does ECS3 and TDP

2 Engineering Career Skills 3 Skills of use now, and a starting point for building up the skills you will need for the rest of your career

3 Course Runs in Parallel with TDP In the same teams as TDP Have the same supervisor No exams Mixture of team and individual assessment

4 Extract from timetable WeekStaffEngineering Career Skills (ECS)Team Design Project (TDP) (formal instruction) 1*NPJ/ DSM Lecture: Introduction to ECS and TDP. 12-1pm (Level 1 Lecture Theatre) 2*ED/ (Annie Donald- son) Lecture Report Writing, the basics Assignment: One- two page formal report based on informal journal or Web article. Wed 5 th 12-1pm Team Building Workshop Allocation of teams Friday 2 pm -5 pm 7 th Oct 3*Tutors/ DSM Meet with Supervisors/Tutors Group AssignmentLecture: Practical elements of electronics construction. Boxes, fuses, cables, static handling 4*DSMLecture: PERT charts Assignment: develop PERT chart for TDP3 for week 6 5*Tutors/ FR Return and discuss 1-2 page reports marked by EFL Refresher 6808 Microcontrollers lecture 6*VA/NPJ/Tut ors/FR Lecture: Oral presentations and preparation of overheads and slides. Compulsory Lab with tutors Wed 3 rd November 7* ACB/NPJ Lecture: Health and Safety. Assignment: To make risk assessment. Refresher 6808 lab level 3 Microcontrollers

5 Some Reasons why Writing is Important to Engineers Telling someone how to use a widget Asking for money to build a better widget Telling the boss or customer that this is the best execution of a project ever (in a non- boastful way) Getting a better job Asking for a pay rise!

6 Writing is one of the Major Skills Each task connects other skills References Writing about what you have done Use of formal language Searching & Organisation of information

7 Team assessed work Health and Safety risk assessment around 1/2 a page each member of the team Intellectual Property case study15 minute oral presentation Practical elements of electronic construction one page from each member of the team

8 Task Team

9 The bottom line -assessment All assignments to be handed to your supervisor except the formal report, essay outline and essay which are to be handed in to Ms L Higgins in the Departmental office room 720 (12 noon) TypeGiven Required Details 10Formal Report05/10/05 (2)19/10/05 (4)1-2 page written report (individual) 5Health and Safety16/11/05 (8)30/11/05 (10)Risk Assessment (team) 10Intellectual Property Case study 09/12/05 (11)01/02/06 (16)15-minute oral presentation (team) 10Practical Elements of Electronic Construction 25/01/06 (15)8/02/06 (18)6-page written report (team) 15Researched report08/02/06 (15)02/03/06 (18)2-page written report with critical analysis (individual) 10Technical Essay Outline09/03/06 (19)26/04/06 (23)Outline (individual) 40Technical essay26/04/06 (23)04/10/06(year4)Final submission (individual) %

10 Conclusion Do it well - it counts –for marks –for getting the first job –for use throughout your careers

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