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 Process of giving formal feedback to employees about job performance  Feedback documented with company form  Usually happens once a year.

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2  Process of giving formal feedback to employees about job performance  Feedback documented with company form  Usually happens once a year

3  Give feedback on past performance  Help employee improve quality of work  Achieve potential for future performance  Motivate employees  Serve as record of performance  Raises  Promotions  Discipline

4  Gives time for supervisor and employee to talk  Employee receives recognition for work  Identifies training needs  Feedback on success of selection process  Helps identify needed updates for job descriptions

5 (1) Tell me what you want me to do (2) Tell me how well I have done it (3) Help me improve my performance (4) Reward me for doing well.

6  What is an employee supposed to do to help group accomplish objectives?  Job description  Critical elements of jobs  Goals and objectives Establish & communicate expectations for performance

7 Establish & communicate standards for performance  Set expectations that are (SMART)  Specific  Measurable  Attainable  Realistic  Timely  Objective  Job-related

8 Establish & communicate standards for performance  Based on behaviors, not person  Within employee’s control  Related to specific tasks  Communicated to employee

9  Know your company’s process and form  Gather information about performance  ONGOING BASIS  Keep a folder on each employee with both positive and negative  Use self-appraisal  Avoid bias Observe and measure individual performance against standards.





14 Generalizing one positive or negative aspect of person's performance to the entire performance

15  Every employee is an individual  Don’t make assumptions

16 Consider others more positively because they are like you

17  Comment on both right and wrong behavior  Be specific  Help employee find ways to improve  Comment on the behavior, not the person Reinforce Performance or Provide Remedies

18  Inadequate skills  Lack of effort  External conditions  Personal problems

19  Set expectations that are (SMART)  Specific  Measurable  Attainable  Realistic  Timely  Ex: Decrease customer complaints by 5% within 6 months

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