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Chemical Reactions and The Mole Review 10.11 & 10.12 Ms. Boon Chemistry.

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1 Chemical Reactions and The Mole Review 10.11 & 10.12 Ms. Boon Chemistry

2 Objectives I can balance chemical equations. I can calculate molar mass and do mole and mass conversions. Agenda Catalyst (10) Chem Music Video (7) Chemical Reactions and the mole Study Guide (70) Exit Slip (15) Catalyst: There are 1000 milliliters (mL) in 1 liter (L). ▫ (1000mL = 1L) 1.How many milliliters of soda are in a 2 liter bottle of soda? 2.Please write at least 2 sentences explaining how you solved the problem.

3 Another Cheesy Chemistry Music Video… Kxc&feature=channel&list=UL Kxc&feature=channel&list=UL Focus question: What is the law of conservation of mass and what does it have to do with balancing chemical equations? As you watch the video, jot down your thoughts on the focus question under your catalyst. Then, be ready to share.

4 Chemical Reactions Study Guide Why? This study guide reviews and practices the skills necessary for success in our next unit – Stoichiometry! Instructions: Work quietly with the person next to you. Show all your work on a separate sheet of paper. Answers are posted at the front of the room. When you complete a section (reach a stop sign), get up, check your answers, correct any mistakes, and get a stamp. Do we need a break? ymhpfY&feature=channel&list=UL

5 If you finish your study guide… Choose 1 of the following options: ▫Continue working on your balancing equations race worksheet. ▫Pick an article from the back counter that you have not read yet. Read and complete the reading questions. ▫Start HW: p. 295 #50 & 53, p. 251 #12, 14, 15, p. 252 #33 & 39

6 Exit Slip Show all your work! 1.What is the molar mass of NH 3 ? 2.What is the mass (in grams) of 3 moles NH 3 ? 3.I have 34g NH 3. How many moles NH 3 do I have? 4.Balance the following chemical reaction equation: __ NH 3 +__ CuO → __ Cu +_ N 2 + _H 2 O

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