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Agricultural Careers Fish Farmer By: Dr. Frank Flanders and Trisha Stephens Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Georgia Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Agricultural Careers Fish Farmer By: Dr. Frank Flanders and Trisha Stephens Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Georgia Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agricultural Careers Fish Farmer By: Dr. Frank Flanders and Trisha Stephens Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Georgia Department of Education June 2005 START

2 What does a Fish Farmer do? Strips eggs from female fish and places eggs in moist pans Adds milt stripped from male fish to fertilize eggs Fills hatchery trays with fertilized eggs and places trays in incubation troughs Adjusts volume, depth, velocity, and temperature of water. Feeds high protein foods or cereal with vitamins and minerals to fingerlings to induce growth to size desired for commercial use Arranges with buyers for sale of fish Removes fish from pond, using dip net Counts and weighs fish Loads fish into tank truck, or dresses and packs in ice for shipment May perform standard tests on water samples to determine oxygen content

3 What kind of qualities and skills are needed? Ability to work long hours Be fit and healthy Ability to work indoors and outdoors Physically capable of swimming Able to perform heavy lifting, standing, bending, and carrying Ability to work will with others as well as independently Good business and communication skills

4 What is my salary? In an entry-level position, and individual could earn between $9,500 and $10,000 a year. With experience they could earn between $12,500 and $17,500 a year. As a manager they could earn between $16,000 and $30,000 a year.

5 What are the conditions of the work environment? A fish farmer can work for a corporation; an independent fish farmer; a city, county, state or federal government; or a biomedical research laboratory Environment is often wet and dirty Must work outside in all weather conditions Typical work week lasts forty or more hours Farms are often located in isolated areas

6 How can I become a Fish Farmer? In high school, take courses in the repair and maintenance of machinery and engines, welding, construction, and other shop classes. Accounting, marketing, and other business courses are also useful, as are basic courses in biology. Work a summer job on a nearby fish farm to gain experience. Participate in as many outdoor experiences as possible; especially those related to fishing, to gain increased experience with outdoors and fish related activities.

7 A Day in the Life….

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