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wolf spider crab spider

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1 wolf spider crab spider
Figure 23-1 Page 518

2 Biologically Magnified?
Table 23-1 Major Types of Pesticides Type Insecticides Chlorinated hydrocarbons Organophosphates Carbamates Botanicals Microbotanicals Examples DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, toxaphene, lindane, chlordane, methoxychlor, mirex Malathion, parathion, diazinon, TEPP, DDVP,mevinphos Aldicarb, carbaryl (Sevin), propoxur, maneb, zineb Rotenone, pyrethrum, and camphor extracted from plants, synthetic pyrethroids (variations of pyrethrum), rotenoids (variations of rotenone), and neonicotinoids (variations of nicotine) Various bacteria, fungi, protozoa Persistence High (2–15 years) Low to moderate (1–2 weeks), but some can last several years Low (days to weeks) Biologically Magnified? Yes No Table 23-1 Page 520

3 Biologically Magnified?
Table 23-1 Major Types of Pesticides Type Herbicides Contact chemicals Systemic chemicals Soil sterilants Fungicides Various chemicals Fumigants Examples Atrazine, simazine, paraquat 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, Silvex, diuron, daminozide (Alar), alachlor (Lasso), glyphosate (Roundup) Tribulan, diphenamid, dalapon, butylate Captan, pentachlorophenol, zeneb, methyl bromide, carbon bisulfide Carbon tetrachloride, ethylene dibromide, methyl bromide Persistence Low (days to weeks) Mostly low (days to weeks) Low (days) Most low (days) Mostly high Biologically Magnified? No Yes (for most) Table 23-1 Page 520

4 Grasshopper Gypsy moth caterpillar
Figure 23-2a Page 522

5 European red mite Figure 23-2b Page 522

6 Boll weevil Pink bollworm
ranges overlap Figure 23-2c Page 522

7 DO NOT POST TO INTERNET Figure 23-3 Page 523

8 Number of genetically resistant insect species
600 500 Neonicotinoids (1995) 400 Number of genetically resistant insect species Pyrethroids (1978) 300 Carbamates (1972) 200 Organophosphates (1965) 100 DDT/cyclodienes (1946) 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Figure 23-4 Page 523 Year

9 DO NOT POST TO INTERNET Figure 23-5 Page 524

10 Figure 23-6 Page 528 DO NOT POST TO INTERNET

11 Figure 23-7 Page 528

12 DO NOT POST TO INTERNET Figure 23-8 Page 529

13 DO NOT POST TO INTERNET Figure 23-9 Page 529

14 MH JH Pupa Larva Black Eggs Figure Page 529

15 DO NOT POST TO INTERNET Figure Page 530

16 Pesticide examples interaction.
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