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Government Under the Articles * Unicameral Legislature (one house, one group to make laws) * One vote per state (regardless of size) * 2/3 majority needed.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Under the Articles * Unicameral Legislature (one house, one group to make laws) * One vote per state (regardless of size) * 2/3 majority needed."— Presentation transcript:


2 Government Under the Articles * Unicameral Legislature (one house, one group to make laws) * One vote per state (regardless of size) * 2/3 majority needed to pass legislation (super majority- very tough) * Unanimous vote needed to amend Articles (almost impossible) Weaknesses of the Articles * No national executive (who will enforce the laws?) * No national court system (who will judge the laws?) * National government could not collect taxes (How will they pay?) * National government could not raise an army (protect?) * National government could not regulate trade Problems under the Articles * Currency Problems: Many states printed their own money. The national currency, meanwhile, became almost worthless * Intrastate Commerce: States placed tariffs on each other's goods. This, combined with currency problems, led to a sharp decline in intrastate commerce * Foreign Trade: Other countries placed tariffs and trade restrictions on US goods; the US was not able to reciprocate. The absence of a strong navy also left US merchant ships vulnerable to pirates. * Foreign Affairs: The inability of the national government to raise an army left the US vulnerable. For example, key provisions of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War, were not enforced. As a result, the British continued to occupy forts in the Northwest territory -- landed that had technically been ceded to the US. * Conflict between states, Virginia v Connecticut and Virginia vs Maryland  National Government was broke.  Shay’s Rebellion


4 They were given permission by the national congress under the Articles to meet and make a list of suggestions for possible revisions. This mind-set allowed a certain amount of freedom to create total change because in the end a delegate could say – we’ll its just a suggestion.


6 Connecticut compromise- 2 Houses one house based on equal representation- Senate- 2 per state (State’s house) Another house based on population (435 total) seats shift with population shift (house of rep.) (The people’s house) House of Reps.- $ bills start in House- “the people decide what they give to the government” both houses “check and balance” each other


8 North feared- unfair representation by south South feared northern dominance and argued that the southern lifestyle that also benefited the North led to small populations by south taxation and representation could also be based on property values 3/5 th Compromise (the federal ratio) # derived from a previous amendment to the articles of conf. in 1783 changed taxation from property to population- south objected if slave population counted Virginia said- only ½ slavesNew England said ¾ slavesMadison suggested 3/5th amendment later failed to be ratified but the number was remembered by Madison Madison suggested the old Federal Ratio (3/5 th ) Not counting all of the slaves gave the south a sense of urgency to increase #, also this resulted in unfair political impacts- slave states dominated Presidency, electoral college, HOR, speaker of house, Supreme Court. They were taxed on representation


10 Tax Declare War Post offices Create Laws Regulate immigration Check and Balance the President and Supreme Court Article I Section 8- expressed powers Necessary and Proper clause HOR – majority rules, Senate- majority rules but in reality 60/100 to pass a bill






16 1787- House of Reps- people, Senate- State Leg Now-HOR- people, Senate- people, if a vacancy occurs during the term Governor from that state appoints Senator to fill seat. (amendment 17 1913) HOR- every 2 years- people move, attitudes change Senate- every six years- difficult and expensive to have frequent elections. HOR- people’s branch, Senate was the state’s branch – this has changed since 1913, The senate use to be elected by state leg, therefore forcing National Senators to adhere to state rights.


18 1787 and now H.O.R. – 2 years Senate- 6 years


20 Yes- Unlimited then and now should it be amended?







27 “Art. II- The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States”- broad power leads to Increase of power. executive orders roles- chief leg, chief exe, chief diplomat, chief citizen Chief of state, commander in chief, chief judiciary, Executive privilege- tradition- established by separation of powers Treaties, Executive – agreement, ex-leg agreement

28 Presidential Powers and Congressional Relationship Less PowerMore Power Topic  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  01 23 Executiveno power2/3 senate approval 51% Congress power to create orders no approval Diplomacyno power2/3 Senate 51% Congress no approval needed Leg- Vetono veto 51% congress override 2/3 Override absolute Pardonno power 2/3 approval 51 % approval no approval needed Appointmentno power 2/3 senate approval 51 % congress no approval needed War makingno powerapproval needed approval not needed absolute Congress controls funding


30 1787- 4 years – unlimited re-election Thomas Jefferson’s letters to Madison and Washington- Washington’s farewell address and refusal of 3 rd term Created a tradition of a two term limit FDR broke from tradition elected in 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944. FDR died in office. 22 nd amendment 1947- 2 term limit (10 years total)


32 Dual Court System


34 9 Supreme Court Justices 1 Chief Justice Appointed by the President Approved by the Senate Life long term Impeachment possible


36 Federalist vs Anti-Federalist “A Republic if you can keep it”- voting and pluralism Checks and Balances Judicial Review Executive Traditions Power of the Purse- earmarks, interest groups, pork Bill of Rights Ratification process Amendment Process Unwritten Power- implied power Political Parties





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