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COPD Media Options April 23, 2010. Project Parameters Objective –Help recruit patients into a clinical research study for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary.

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Presentation on theme: "COPD Media Options April 23, 2010. Project Parameters Objective –Help recruit patients into a clinical research study for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary."— Presentation transcript:

1 COPD Media Options April 23, 2010

2 Project Parameters Objective –Help recruit patients into a clinical research study for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and randomize (qualify and enroll) 10 patients by end of June 2010 Target audience –Men and women –Ages 62 and up –Medicare A and B recipients –Have tobacco-related COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Note: Can target based on age and gender Geography –SE Michigan and also Flint/Jackson/Toledo potentially Media vehicles to consider –Radio and newspaper Media budget –$40,000, including buying fee Other requirements –Be able to turn placements on/off fairly quickly depending on response See comments on each slide option about cancellations 2

3 Option 1: Radio Recommended 3 Invest full budget into radio Detroit market only Stations like WWJ-AM, WJR-AM, WOMC-FM, etc. Run :60 live reads –No additional production fee if do not specify talent Total of approx. 270-300 TRPs –45-50 TRPs/week for 6 weeks (approx. 33 total spots/week) Cancellation –2 weeks prior Copy due to stations 5/10 based on below schedule Recommended –Results for UMHS have been positive when radio was utilized on other campaigns –Cost efficient

4 Option 2: Newspaper 4 Invest full budget into newspaper Reach Detroit, Flint, Jackson and Toledo markets Major dailies in each market Sunday insertions for largest circulation –Detroit News/Free Press: 560,188 –Flint Journal: 79,632 –Jackson Citizen Patriot: 29,651 –Toledo Blade: 133,847 Note: Circs per their latest published statement (September 2009) 3 column x 7” ad unit in all newspapers (varies by paper, but is approx. 5.4” x 7” in size) 3-4 insertions in each newspaper Cancellation –By close, which is Tuesday prior Materials due 5/11 based on below schedule

5 Next Steps UMHS to decide on optionWeek of 4/26 C-E to provide and UMHS to approve media estimate based on selected optionWeek of 4/26 C-E to negotiate and order mediaUpon receipt of media estimate approval (Must start no later than 5/3) If radio, C-E to provide radio buy for UMHS approval5/7 UMHS to provide materials to properties5/10 or 5/11 (Depending on option) 5

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