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Wednesday, October 28, 2015Event Name and Venue1 Employment Law and Employment Relations (5D4A40, 5D4B20 (PT))

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2 Wednesday, October 28, 2015Event Name and Venue1 Employment Law and Employment Relations (5D4A40, 5D4B20 (PT))

3 Wednesday, October 28, 2015Event Name and Venue2 Employment Law and Employment Relations What the unit is about? Introduces 2 central fields of practice in HR. Aim is to give students a comprehensive understanding of employment law and employment relations.

4 What areas are covered? Employment Law This element of the unit covers the major areas of collective and individual employment law. This element of the unit will introduce students to the sources of employment law and its institutional structure before moving onto such areas as contracts of employment, employment status, discrimination law, dismissal law, health and safety law, trade union law, redundancy, transfers of undertakings, working time, family friendly law, confidentiality issues etc. Wednesday, October 28, 2015Event Name and Venue3

5 What areas are covered? Employment Relations The employment relations session s take as their central focus the employment relationship – an arena in which managers, workers and trade unions seek to control the relationship to serve their perceived interests. The sessions will introduce you to competing perspectives on the nature of the employment relationship beginning with the key parties to the relationship before moving on to focus on the key processes of employee representation and voice, and conflict and its resolution. Wednesday, October 28, 2015Event Name and Venue4

6 Wednesday, October 28, 2015Event Name and Venue5 Employment Law and Employment Relations How is it assessed? 2 assignments of 3,000 words designed to reflect the importance of independent study and the student’s personal approach to EL and ER issues (weighted equally).

7 Wednesday, October 28, 2015Event Name and Venue6 Not sure? For further information contact me: Louise Armstrong Email Tel 0161 247 5164 MMUBS Room 5.18 Employment Law and Employment Relations.

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