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Authority Control and Bib Enhancement with Marcive Mark Sandford William Paterson University

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1 Authority Control and Bib Enhancement with Marcive Mark Sandford William Paterson University

2 Cheng Library ➔ Voyager 8.2 ➔ Approx 435,000 records ➔ Over 100,000 Ebrary records ◆ Authority control on creation, but not ongoing ➔ Thousands of books withdrawn in the past 8 years ➔ Inconsistent handling of problematic headings in Voyager batch processing of authorities ◆ E.g. Name-title entries

3 Authority Control @ WPU ➔ Initial contract with MARCIVE about 10 years ago ➔ Regular incremental updates ➔ Plan was to do full authority run every 10 years ➔ Had heard of RDA-ification through MARCIVE marketing materials ➔ It was time ➔ Time was running out!

4 Our choices ➔ Name Authority Files ➔ LCSH Authority Files ➔ MESH Authority Files ➔ Additional processing ◆ Addition of RDA CMC (33X fields) ◆ Kept GMD (Just in case (in case of what?)) ◆ 260 to 264 field* ◆ Lexile, Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts (Curriculum Materials) ◆ Convert relator codes to relator terms ◆ Various cleanup/tidying of fields and normalization * Required update to our VUFind installation

5 Working with MARCIVE ➔ Library Information Services and Cataloging completed 11 page profile ➔ No custom processing was needed ◆ A la carte options worth a look ➔ Profile sent May 16 ➔ Bib file sent to MARCIVE June 5 ◆ No existing bibs should be changed as of this date! ➔ June 9 confirmation email from MARCIVE with notification of 2 bad records in our file ➔ June 11 test file received ➔ June 12 approval sent to MARCIVE ➔ June 19 processed MARC files available via FTP

6 Loading into Voyager ➔ MARCIVE provides batches of 50,000 records ➔ Voyager suggests loads of 10,000 per batch ➔ MarcEdit to the rescue ➔ Already have Voyager 001s in records, so no complex matching needed ➔ Start Loading!

7 Keyword Indexing (Or How NOT to import) ➔ Pre Voyager 9.0 (we were on 8.2) ◆ Default import performed keyword indexing ◆ Generates a temporary index file ◆ Each record loaded takes a tiny bit longer to load than previous record ◆ If temporary file gets too large, the system crashes ➔ Required nightly keyword index regeneration ➔ Only 20k to 30k records per day loaded ◆ 1 example log showed 10k record loaded in 2 hours 14 minutes ◆ The NEXT 10k took 4 hours

8 No Keyword Index (How to import) ➔ Pre Voyager 9.0, Pbulkimport –X (NOKEY Disable keyword index and maintenance) ➔ As of Voyager 9.0, this is the DEFAULT for Pbulkimport ➔ Each batch of 10k took just under 1 hour ➔ 3 loads per day vs 8 per day ➔ Single Keyword Regen at project completion

9 Authorities Records Loads ➔ Decision was made not to wipe out existing authorities database ➔ Voyager retains heading ids to match on – easy! ➔ Also loaded in batches of 10k ➔ Kept the –X switch, but no idea if it mattered

10 Result logs In addition to the bib file, we received the following log files: ➔ Reader notes report (for a small fee) ➔ Unrecognized Headings for Corporate Names ➔ Unrecognized Headings for Geographic Names ➔ Unrecognized Headings for LCSH ➔ Unrecognized Headings for Meeting Names ➔ Unrecognized Headings for MESH ➔ Unrecognized Headings for Personal Names ➔ Unrecognized Headings for Series

11 Some numbers 435866Total bibliographic records were input 110949Bibliographic records were changed 435866Total bibliographic records were output 2195243Total headings selected for processing 2028671Authorized headings verified without change 55081Authorized headings required modification 791Verified by quality assurance review 18160Recognized unauthorized headings replaced 2380Headings matched multiple authorized forms 7634Undifferentiated personal names 82526Unrecognized headings left unchanged 312216Subject geographic subdivisions processed 650388Subject general subdivisions processed 262315Subject form subdivisions processed 383Non-filing indicators corrected 22$h subfields corrected in a 245 field

12 LC adult subject headings processed in 6XX(,0) 807771Total headings processed 79991099.00%Authorized headings verified without change 22210.29%Authorized headings required modification 1010.01%Verified by quality assurance review 42540.54%Recognized unauthorized headings replaced 350.00%Headings matched multiple authorized forms 12500.15%Unrecognized headings left unchanged

13 100 Field Personal Names 309813Total headings processed 28870993.19%Authorized headings verified without change 60051.94%Authorized headings required modification 320.01%Verified by quality assurance review 26980.87%Recognized unauthorized headings replaced 7040.23%Headings matched multiple authorized forms 26380.85%Undifferentiated personal names 90272.91%Unrecognized headings left unchanged

14 Cleaning Up Unmatched headings fall into several categories ➔ Uncontrolled names from OCLC ➔ Bad MARC data ◆ Example: 651 _0 ‡ aBrass quartets (Baritone, horn, trombone, trumpet), Arranged ➔ Tons of Meeting Names never authorized ➔ Corporate Names never authorized ➔ Hideous computer generated MARC records ◆ Example: 700 1_ ‡a Bailyn, Ph.D., Bernard, ‡e Performer ‡u Adams University Professor, Harvard University, author of Voyagers to the West. ➔ Decide what to agonize over

15 Other Data Projects ➔ Using VUFind layer to map Lexile scores to facets ◆ or=butterflies&type=AllFields or=butterflies&type=AllFields ➔ Potential to use RDA 33x and 34x fields to improve format facets

16 Questions? Mark Sandford Special Formats Cataloger William Paterson University

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