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Day 1: Chapter 1 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 1 – 8 A.What would happen next? 1.Annie heard a sound like someone’s coughing. Jack thought.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 1: Chapter 1 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 1 – 8 A.What would happen next? 1.Annie heard a sound like someone’s coughing. Jack thought."— Presentation transcript:


2 Day 1: Chapter 1 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 1 – 8 A.What would happen next? 1.Annie heard a sound like someone’s coughing. Jack thought that it was the mysterious person. What will they do next? 2.Annie put the dinosaur book back with the other books. Then she gasped. What book will she see next? 3.Jack pointed to the pyramid picture in the Egypt book. He wished he could go to that place. What sound did he hear after he cleared his throat? 4.Jack and Annie saw a strange cat and then the wind started to blow. The tree house started to spin. What happened next? Day 2: Chapter 2 Session 1: Summary Target Pages: 9 – 16 Step 1: Let’s Warm-up Reading Jack and Annie looked out the window. The tree house was perched on the top of a palm tree. The tree stood with other palm trees. A patch of green surrounded by a sandy desert. Jack and Annie looked down. The black cat was sitting at the base of the tree. His yellow eyes were staring up at Jack and Annie.

3 Speaking Drill 1: Use the ff. phrases in a sentence. In the middle~ Walking around~ Out the window~ Running away~ Speaking Drill 2: Use the ff. phrases in a sentence. Looked down~ From the book~ Under the~ Looked out~ Step 2: Pre – Summary Questions: 1.What is in the middle of the desert? 2.Why did Annie lean out the window? 3.Where is the black cat? 4. What are those people doing? 5. Why are they doing that? Questions: 1.What is in the middle of the desert? 2.Why did Annie lean out the window? 3.Where is the black cat? 4. What are those people doing? 5. Why are they doing that?

4 Step 3 : Comprehension Questions 1.How did they call the coffin in an Egyptian Funeral? 2.What was inside the gold box? 3.Where and when does a mirage happen? 4.Where did Jack and Annie enter? 5.Why did they follow the black cat? Actual Summary: Today’s Story Can you tell me the story for today? Day 3: Chapters 3 and 4 Session 2: Personal Story Target Pages: 17 – 25 Directions: Can you tell me about your story? 1.Jack and Annie saw a mummy and it’s alive. What would you do if you see a mummy? 2.Jack said that mummies aren’t alive. What do you think would happen if mummies are really alive? 3.Jack and Annie found a scepter. Annie would like to give it to the mummy. If you were Annie, would you give it to him? 4.Jack read the book. They thought that the person they saw is not a mummy but a tomb robber. What would you do if you see a robber stealing someone’s wallet?

5 Day 4: Chapters 5 and 6 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 26 – 36 Directions: Infer what would happen next based on the given pictures. ? ? ? ? ? ?

6 Day 5: Chapter 7 Session 1: Summary Target Pages: 37 – 43 Step 1: Let’s Warm-up Reading Jack put the scepter and his notebook and pencil into his pack. He and Annie followed the ghost-queen. Deeper into the pyramid. Until they came to some stairs. The ghost queen floated up the stairs. Speaking Drill 1: Use the ff. phrases in a sentence. Into his pack~ Came to~ Floated up~ On the door~ Speaking Drill 2: Use the ff. phrases in a sentence. Opened slowly~ Small wooden boat Look inside~ Gold plates~

7 Step 2: Pre – Summary Questions: 1.What are the things in the huge room? 2.Why is there a wooden boat inside the room? 3.What is inside the jug? 4. What are those people doing? 5. Who found the book of the dead? Questions: 1.What are the things in the huge room? 2.Why is there a wooden boat inside the room? 3.What is inside the jug? 4. What are those people doing? 5. Who found the book of the dead? Step 3 : Comprehension Questions 1.What is the name of the queen? 2.What do Annie and Jack need to find for the queen? 3.What kind of room did they enter? 4.What are the unusual things in the room? 5.What is inside the gold box? Actual Summary: Today’s Story Can you tell me the story for today?

8 Day 6: Chapter 8 Session 4: Power Reading and Power Speaking (Integrated Tasks) Target Pages: 44 – 50 Power Reading Slide 1: Clue Page: 44 (Copy and then paste the page on the slide) Slide 2: Clue Page: 49 (Copy and then paste the page on the slide) Power Speaking: Construct sentences using the given phrases. Next to~ On the wall~ Into the boat~ In the distance~

9 Day 7: Chapter 9 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 51 – 59 Directions: Infer what would happen next based on the given pictures. ? ? ? ? ? ?

10 Day 8: Chapter 10 Session 1: Summary Target Pages: 60 – 65 Step 1: Let’s Warm-up Reading Late-morning sunlight shone through the tree house window. Shadows danced on the walls and ceiling. Jack took a deep breath. He was lying on the floor of the tree house. Jack smiled. Lunch. Mom. Home. It all sounded so real. So calm and safe. Speaking Drill 1: Use the ff. phrases in a sentence. This place is~ Comes back~ All the books~ In the tree house~ Speaking Drill 2: Use the ff. phrases in a sentence. At the wooden floor~ To see~ On the floor~ In the sunlight~

11 Step 2: Pre – Summary Questions: 1.Who is “M”? 2.Why do they need to clean the room? 3.Where did they put the Egypt book? 4. Where did they put the dinosaur book? 5. What did Annie see on the wooden floor? Questions: 1.Who is “M”? 2.Why do they need to clean the room? 3.Where did they put the Egypt book? 4. Where did they put the dinosaur book? 5. What did Annie see on the wooden floor? Step 3 : Comprehension Questions 1.Where are Jack and Annie? Are they still in the pyramid? 2.Why is Jack thinking about mysterious “M”? 3.Why did they keep the dinosaur and Egypt books? 4.Who called Jack and Annie? 5.What did they eat? Actual Summary: Today’s Story Can you tell me the story for today?

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