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RGC ZION COMMUNITY CLINIC Presents The final results of The Leadership Development Program (LDP) At Strathmore university on the 19th June,2012.

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Presentation on theme: "RGC ZION COMMUNITY CLINIC Presents The final results of The Leadership Development Program (LDP) At Strathmore university on the 19th June,2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 RGC ZION COMMUNITY CLINIC Presents The final results of The Leadership Development Program (LDP) At Strathmore university on the 19th June,2012

2 RGC-ZION COMMUNITY CLINIC Click to edit Master text styles – Second level – Third level Fourth level – Fifth level LOCATION:-MTWAPA,KILIFI COUNTY,COAST PROVINCE

3 Facility Profile It is a Faith Based Organization (FBO) under Redeemed Gospel Church Started in the year 2005 as a dispensary We are now in the process of upgrading to a health centre with a capacity of 20 beds and a fully equipped laboratory We have a total of 22 members of staff

4 The LDP team: (From the left) Jesca Tsuma (records), Kirsi Nyrhinen (asst. manager), Jane Kachula (ANC nurse), Pia Lind (Project manager) and Julius Musyimi (CO in-charge) The LDP presentation by RGC Zion Community Clinic

5 Mission To provide quality health care services at an affordable cost.

6 vision A healthy community with safe motherhood

7 Measurable Result: To increase the number of women delivering in our facility from an average of 4 to 30 per month by December 31st 2011.

8 Why Safe Motherhood? To implement the Reproductive Health Output Based Approach -program (RH-OBA) for “Safe Motherhood” introduced by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation It had never been a priority since the clinic was running as an HIV centre, only emergency deliveries were allowed.

9 Pre-LDP situation Low number of deliveries: The average baseline (July-Dec 2010) ANC mothers 53 and only 4 deliveries. The community could not afford the hospital delivery. The community had “cultural myths and misconceptions” about hospital delivery We had only 4 skilled birth attendants working at our facility.

10 Obstacles & Root cause analysis: The LDP final Results presentation by RGC Zion Community Clinic ObstaclesRoot cause analysis 1. Negative attitude from the community towards hospital delivery  Lack of awareness 2. Inadequate resource within the community members due to poverty.  High illiteracy levels.  Cost of delivery is high 3. Other service providers within our catchment area  The same OBA program being implemented 4. Insufficient maternity facilities  Lack of resources

11 CHALLENGE How will we increase the number of deliveries in our facility in light of the obstacles ?

12 Priority actions: Implement the Reproductive Health Output Based Approach -program (RH-OBA) for “Safe Motherhood” introduced by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation Organize community awareness outreaches about the importance of hospital delivery Equip the delivery facilities Complete the building of the new wards to give room for a separate observation room for pre- and post-natal care. The LDP Final Results presentation by RGC Zion Community Clinic

13 Stakeholders: Zion Senior management team Price Waterhouse Coopers (OBA program) Community members Zion Clinical staff KEMSA DPHN-KILIFI

14 Deliveries increased from avg of 4 in 2010 to avg of 30 in 2011 Delivery average July-Dec 2011: 30 Delivery average July-Dec 2010 : 4 RESULTS ACHIEVED

15 ANC average July-Dec 2010: 53 ANC average July-Dec 2011: 77

16 Additional achievements:

17 – People’s attitudes have changed, - this is what they are now saying; “Zion is a very accommodative place, with essential and modern facilities” “It is good to deliver in Zion because you will be attended by skilled personnel who are friendly and caring”.

18 We have completed the building of the new ward unit! …The Results & Achievements: July 2011November 2011 The LDP Final results presentation by RGC Zion Community Clinic

19 Now we have enough room! The LDP presentation by RGC Zion Community Clinic November 2011 “The new wards”

20 Way forward: Continue to expand maternity services by; – By emphasizing on hospital delivery – Building a spacious maternity unit with full pre- and postnatal facilities – Employ more skilled birth attendants We will build a security wall around the facility to ensure safety for clients, staff and equipment. We will implement the computerized records’ system. The LDP presentation by RGC Zion Community Clinic

21 Next measurable result: To increase the uptake of family planning from the community. To use the LDP knowledge in running of the organizational annual plans

22 Lessons learned: The wrong perception of “competition” with the nearby health centre was changed to complementation. We restructured the duties by having a nurse to co-work with the clinician in the night, we also added an extra clinician and a nurse for the day shift. The LDP presentation by RGC Zion Community Clinic

23 Acknowledgements: USAID MSH-LDP CHAK The Management Board and all Staff of RGC Zion Community Clinic RH-OBA Program All other stakeholders


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