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Clustering Procedure Cheng Lei Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Victoria April 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Clustering Procedure Cheng Lei Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Victoria April 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clustering Procedure Cheng Lei Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Victoria April 16, 2015

2 Outline ❖ Overview ❖ CLUSTER Procedure ❖ Clustering Methods

3 Overview Data: Distances Coordinates Clustering methods 11 methods supported FASTCLUS Procedure CPU time: proportional to the number of observations Use FASTCLUS for a preliminary cluster analysis Use CLUSTER to cluster the preliminary clusters hierarchically Principles Each observation begins in a cluster by itself Two closet clusters are merged to form a new one to replace the two old ones Repeat the merging step until only one cluster is left

4 Overview CLUSTER Procedure Not practical to very large data sets as CPU time is roughly proportional to the square or cube of the number of the observations Displays a history of the clustering process Shows statistics for estimating the number of clusters RMSSTD Pseudo F Pseudo T-squre Creates dendrogram Create output data sets for TREE procedure to output the cluster membership

5 CLUSTER Procedure PROC CLUSTER METHOD=method-name ; BY variables; COPY variables; FREQ variables; ID variables; RMSSTD variables; VAR variables;

6 Options RMSSTD Root mean squared standard deviation of a cluster Pseudo F The ratio of between-cluster variance to within cluster variance Pseudo T-square A measure of merging two clusters to a new cluster

7 RMSSTD : the within-group sum of squares of cluster k : the number of elements in cluster k : the number of variables

8 Pseudo F : the between-group sum of squares : the within-group sum of squares : the number of clusters at a certain step : the number of observations

9 Pseudo T-Square : within-cluster sum of squares of clusters K and L : number of observations in cluster k and L : between-cluster sum of squares

10 METHODS Average Linkage (AVE or AVERAGE) Centroid Method (CEN or CENTROID) Complete Linkage (COM or COMPLETE) Density Linkage (DEN or DENSITY) Maximum likelihood (EML) Flexible-Beta Method (FLE or FLEXIBLE) McQuitty’s Similarity Analysis (MCQ or MCQUITTY) Median Method (MED or MEDIAN) Single Linkage (SIN or SINGLE) Two-Stage Density Linkage (TWO or TWOSTAGE) Ward’s minimum-variance method (WAR or WARD)

11 Average Linkage Idea: Compute the distance between two clusters and it is defined as the average distance between pairs of observations, one in each cluster

12 Centroid Method Idea: Compute the Euclidean distance between two clusters

13 Next week’s work Do examples with SAS base language More reading about other procedures in SAS/STAT

14 Thank You!!!

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