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Charting our Course Destination: Success Erie Elementary August 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Charting our Course Destination: Success Erie Elementary August 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charting our Course Destination: Success Erie Elementary August 2010

2 Welcome and Welcome Back! Newbies New Positions New Leader New Teams!

3 Two Truths & a Lie Write it down Share with your table Let them guess! Pick one person to share with the group

4 New Leader Inquiring Minds Want to Know! What is your leadership style? What are your beliefs? In what direction do you see us going this year? What changes are you going to implement??

5 Core Values Visionary leadership Learning-centered education Organizational and personal learning Valuing faculty, staff, and partners Agility Focus on the future Managing for innovation Management by fact Social responsibility Focus on results and creating value Systems perspective

6 Performance Excellence Leadership Strategic Planning Student and Stakeholder Focus Measurement Analysis and Knowledge Management Faculty and Staff Focus Process Management Performance Results

7 Charlie Brown’s Teacher When is she just going to tell us what she is changing!!!!


9 Change Changes in society, in the world, in the economy, in students Changes in education policy, educational expectations, educational leadership School? Classroom? It will be up to you, but we can’t NOT change!

10 TITLE The key to change is to let go of fear ~Rosanne Cash There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction ~Winston Churchill



13 Resilience during times of change Who will deal well with the changes? Who will have a “tolerance for ambiguity” We must understand our mission and stay true to our mission

14 Did you know?

15 Changes to the world…. Since you graduated from college, what changes have occurred? Choose one and how it has directly impacted you as a person or you as an educator.

16 Changes with our students

17 Different How are today’s students different? What changes have you noticed? What implications does this have for your classroom?

18 Teacher Take a minute and think of your “best” teacher What five adjectives describe them and/or their teaching?

19 Education Changes 100 years ago, factory model: sort kids and put a system in place where we will have the number of college educated students for positions. Now all students will need some kind of post- high school education with the bachelors degree being the new norm.

20 Students Today Will work longer and harder with more education in order to maintain the same standard of living as their parents.

21 Think of their future…. “the difference between the earnings of those with at least a bachelor's degree and their peers with less education grew during this period. For example, in 1980, males with a bachelor's or higher degree earned 19 percent more than male high school completers, while in 2004 they earned 67 percent more."

22 What does it mean for Elementary Schools? Must have students equipped to be successful in middle and high school – not just in levels of learning, but in how best to learn Must address engagement issues since most drop outs can be identified by fifth grade.

23 21 st Century Skills

24 Education Changes and the unknown for Colorado Senate Bill 191 – teacher effectiveness…. tying evaluations to test scores Race to the Top…funding?? New standards. Proposition 60/61/101 if any of the three pass….


26 60 - 61-101 At least 8,000 classroom teachers could get pink slips driving up class sizes everywhere. Nowhere will the damage from these ill- conceived proposals be greater than in our schools. The chief financial officer of D-11 in Colorado Springs said, “We don’t have a way to make payroll.” And the Boulder Daily Camera points out, “The truth is that K-12 education funding will be decimated and schools will have nowhere to turn.”

27 New Standards When you left in June….you knew that new Colorado standards had been adopted for 2011-2012. Did you know – August 2 nd that changed again? Colorado adopted Common Core Standards as part of a national movement and Race to the Top application.

28 What? As educational leaders look to roll out new standards they have had about three weeks to even learn? Language Arts is similar – very cyclical in nature Math – experts agree it is more rigorous that even the “new” Colorado standards had planned.


30 Changes in Erie? Why does it matter that Black Rock and 26 are here? Why does it matter that SVVSD is looking to recruit students back out of charter schools? Why should we care??

31 What do “they” want? School Choice: ability to move your child to where they feel it would be best AYP: ability to go to a school that is effective Charters and new schools – popping up everywhere offering what parents feel they are not getting. Erie Elementary to remain an option…to be attractive to families surrounded by CHOICE!

32 Not about who gets off the bus any more…who are we attracting?

33 Others deserve “best” too What does a “great” education look like? Feel like? What does giving students the best opportunities look like? Feel like? Are we doing what it takes to help our students be competitive in the future? They will be competing with others across the globe for jobs.

34 Focus School Isn’t it just a “gimmick” ? Why can’t we just keep doing what we have always done? Why do we need to cater to the parents and community? What does it mean to you?

35 Black Rock and 26 Cluster Grouping/flexible grouping/GT meeting kids needs, wherever/whenever, differentiating, rigor Core Knowledge addressing a guaranteed and viable curriculum, rigor, prepared for secondary schools and jobs

36 Erie Elementary Community School History/Pride Relationships What are we lacking that parents are looking for? Is there a way to address the rigor and relevance? Aging Building… BSO

37 Reinvent Ourselves What are others doing based upon trends in education and world economy? World Languages/World View/IB Health & Service Cluster….convert to STEM Core Knowledge Leadership/people skills/21 st century skills Strengtning science, engineering & math /rigor

38 Technology…. Where you were headed… We are required to embed technology and increase students technological literacy. Digging Deeper

39 Erie Elementary Focus

40 Resilliance

41 Resilience during times of change Who will deal well with the changes? Who will have a “tolerance for ambiguity” We must understand our mission and stay true to our mission






47 PBS Focus for 2010- 2011 New Curriculum New Assessments RTI Effective Operations: More with Less AYP and Growth Model

48 District Direction 1. Parental Involvement – What % are actually involved in the work of our mission? 2. Resources – scarcity, re-examine how we do work, creative ways to find funds 3. Focus on quality of instruction – PLCs, collaboration, HYIS 4. Time – maximize what we have, look for ways to extend the learning window

49 Next Steps… Where are we? Where do we need to go? How are we going to get there? Data, Plan, Implementation Sept. Late Start…

50 But Wednesday they come!

51 One Last Thought…

52 I Believe in You! Charting our Course Destination: Success

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