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Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi: A scholarship scheme for exchange and cooperation between.

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Presentation on theme: "Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi: A scholarship scheme for exchange and cooperation between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi: A scholarship scheme for exchange and cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Organization of the mobility flows

2 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Index Mobility flow overview Timetable Call for applications Selection procedure Mobility management Study recognition

3 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility flow overview Target Groups Types of scholarships Level and duration of mobility Credit transfer programme Degree seeking programme Short stays  Doctorate  Post-doctorate  Staff

4 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility flow overview Target Group 1 (TG1) Nationals from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia who are registered in one of the higher education institutions (HEI) in the region that is a member of the partnership. Nationals of European countries who are registered in one of the European HEIs that is member of the partnership. All levels of mobility flows (undergraduate, master, doctorate, post-doctorate, staff)

5 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility flow overview Target Group 2 (TG2) Nationals from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia who are registered in a higher education institution of these countries that is not included in the partnership, or who have obtained a university degree or equivalent by an institution of these countries. Only master, doctorate and post-doctorate mobility flows

6 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility flow overview Target Group 3 (TG3) Nationals from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for social and political reasons. For example: having a refugee status or asylum beneficiaries (international or according to the national legislation of one of the European recipient countries) or

7 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility flow overview it can be proved that they have been the object of unjustified expulsion from university on racial, ethnic, religious, political, gender or sexual inclination or they belong to an indigenous population targeted by a specific national policy or IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) Only undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate mobility For Al Idrisi: limited to undergraduates from Algeria and Tunisia

8 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility flow overview Scholarship Distribution Country Undergrad uates Mast ers Doctorat es Post-docStaffTOTAL Algeria151074440 Morocco121095440 Tunisia151074440 Sum 4230231312120 EU 1812105550 Total 6042331817170

9 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility flow overview Type of Mobility Outgoing Third country Incoming TOTAL EuropeansThird-Country nationals Target Group 1 Target Group 2 Target Group 3 Undergraduates 18 DZ MA TN 12 ------ 3-33-3 60 Masters 12 DZ MA TN 686686 424424 ------ 42 Doctorates 10 DZ MA TN 686686 111111 ------ 33 Post-doctorates 5 DZ MA TN 343343 111111 ------ 18 Academic staff 5 DZ MA TN 444444 ------ ------ 17 TOTAL 5098166170

10 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility flow overview Level of mobilityCredit transfer programme / Short stays Degree seeking programme Undergraduate 1000 € per month TG1 & TG3 6 or 10 months (TG1) 10 months (TG3) Morocco: No TG3 Not applicable Master 1000 € per month TG1 & TG2 6 or 12 months (TG1, non EU) 6 or 10 months (TG1, EU) 12 or 24 months (TG1 and TG2, non EU) Doctorate 1500 € per month TG1 & TG2 6 or 12 months (TG1, EU) 6 months (TG1, non EU) 36 months (TG1 and TG2, non EU) Post- doctorate 1800 € per month TG1 & TG2 6 months (TG1 and TG2)Not applicable Staff 2500 € per month TG1 1 month (TG1)Not applicable

11 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Fields of Study Study fields should focus on regional needs defined already in the project application  Engineering (6)  Water and Environment, Renewable Energies (7)  Languages (9)  Information and Communication Technologies (11 and 15)  Health and Life Sciences (12) Discussion additional fields?

12 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Fields of Study additional fields agreed on Business studies and management sciences (4) Natural Sciences (13) Social Sciences (14) Administrative Staff (16.9)

13 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Tentative timetable Deadline for receiving the academic offer from the partners28/10/2011 Call for applications01/11/2011 – 16/01/2012 Awareness rising campaign in the MaghrebNovember/December 2011 Preparation of the applications for grading for the home and host universities 17/01/2012 – 20/01/2012 Start of the evaluation process - validation and grading by the home universities - grading by the host universities 23/01/2012 Deadline for validation and grading by the home universities10/02/2012 Confirmation of eligibility sent to all candidates13/02/2012 – 17/02/2012 Deadline for appealing against the home universities24/02/2012 Deadline for resolving appeals by the home universities02/03/2012 Deadline for grading by the host universities09/03/2012 Confirmation of admissibility sent to all candidates12/03/2012 – 16/03/2012

14 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Tentative timetable Deadline for appealing against the host universities23/03/2012 Deadline for resolving appeals by the host universities30/03/2012 Preparation of the applications for selection02/04/2012 – 06/04/2012 Advisory and Selection Committee meeting11-12/04/2012 Final confirmation by home and host universities16/04/2012 – 27/04/2012 Award decision sent to the selected candidatesend of April 2012 List of selected scholars sent to the EACEA15/05/2012 Start of the first mobility flows01/06/2012 Latest starting date for student mobility flows31/12/2012 Latest starting date for staff mobility flows30/09/2013

15 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Tentative timetable Discussion Reception of the academic offer Deadline for partner institutions Start of the mobility flows at each level and institution How to get all mobility flows started by 31/12/2012: Preparatory activities for selected candidates Language training Visa issues, …

16 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Call for applications On-line application tool Academic offer How to apply Documents required Output Video tutorial Discussion Documents to be uploaded

17 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Selection procedure Principles Impartial and transparent Based on merit and equal opportunities Resecting cross-cutting requirements Gender-balance Real participation of socioeconomically disadvantaged people Balanced distribution of scholarships with clear and effective appeal mechanisms

18 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Selection procedure Tools Common grading grids Double grading: home and host institutions Distribution algorithm Discussion Selection criteria: evaluation grids

19 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Selection procedure Undergraduate & Master (once all exclusion requirements fulfilled) Home UniversityHost University Strategic importance of the discipline33 Academic merit (GPA, motivation, …)45 Disadvantaged Groups1- Other: to be specified22 Subtotal10 Final grade 20 Double grading scheme Basis for the selection procedure Common grading grid Undergraduate & Master: only for priority areas

20 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Selection procedure Doctorate (*) (once all exclusion requirements fulfilled) Home UniversityHost University Academic Merit (CV, GPA, motivation, research plan, …)-20 Letter of support55 Institutional commitment in (re)incorporating the candidate5- Disadvantaged Groups3- Other: to be specified22 Subtotal1527 Final grade 42 Double grading scheme * Candidates applying for one of the priority areas, receive 5 extra points.

21 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Selection procedure Post-Doctorate & Staff (*) (once all exclusion requirements fulfilled) Home UniversityHost University Academic Merit (CV, GPA, motivation, research plan, …)-20 Strategic discipline55 Letter of support55 Institutional commitment in (re)incorporating the candidate5- Subtotal1530 Final grade 45 Double grading scheme * Candidates applying for one of the priority areas, receive 5 extra points.

22 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Selection procedure Overview The PMU will prepare the applications for evaluation by the partners The applications will be validated by the home universities (TG2 and TG3 applications will be checked by the member of the Selection and Advisory Committee representing the corresponding country) Home and host universities will simultaneously grade the applications according to the common evaluation grid Each evaluation step is followed by an opportunity for appeals against the evaluating institution

23 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Selection procedure The PMU will prepare the applications for the selection of candidates The selection will be done by the Advisory and Selection Committee (ASC) Foreseen dates: 11-12/04/2012 Distribution algorithm: see Project Proposal Final check of the selection by the ASC Balanced mobility distribution Readjustments in the mobility flow distribution if necessary

24 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility Management The ASC will send the results to the PMU The PMU will forward the results to the home and host universities asking for a final check and admission, respectively. The PMU will inform the selected candidates through a scholarship letter The selected candidate has to sign a contract accepting the terms and conditions of the grant

25 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility Management The PMU will send a list of the candidates having accepted the grant to the home and the host universities The host university will provide the grantees with an invitation letter Host and home universities will guide all grantees and assign a supervisor or contact person to each incoming and outgoing student and scholar The host university must provide support to their hosted grantees for obtaining the corresponding visa and residence permits

26 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility Management The EU partners will be in charge of managing the scholarships for incoming and outgoing grantees Payment of the monthly allowance Providing a prepaid ticket on request Assurance (health, travel, etc.) obeying the minimum requirements established by the EACEA Each partner will be responsible of monitoring the stay of the hosted grantees

27 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility Management Host universities will organize regular individual and joint meetings with the grantees A complete grantee file will contain at least: Scholarship agreement Certificate of arrival Progress report(s) Certificate of departure Final report

28 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Mobility Management Templates for these documents will be available at the Intranet of the Al Idrisi website ( The files will have to be kept by the corresponding partner during five years after the end of the project. A certified copy of the complete file will have to be sent to the PMU Online management of the files is under study.

29 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Study recognition Recognition and transfer of credits Non degree seeking students Erasmus type learning agreement To be signed before departure by the home and host universities Degree seeking students Obtain a full European Degree Diploma Supplement simplifies recognition

30 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Study recognition Doctorate students & Post-doctoral fellows Detailed work plan Agreed with their respective supervisors at the home and the host universities prior to departure Guarantees the work done at the host university, if completed successfully, to be fully recognized at the home university. Academic and administrative staff Detailed work plan Agreed with their respective contact persons at the home and the host universities prior to departure

31 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Study recognition The mechanisms for student examination will always follow the local regulations and rules established at the host universities All partners will provide the students with a comprehensive transcript of records. The European universities will make use of ECTS while the Maghreb partners will use their local grading and study load accounting systems

32 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Study recognition Tables of equivalence will be established and employed for a relatively straight forward conversion between the different systems. If possible, the grades converted to ECTS will also be included in the official transcript Discussion Tables of equivalence Work/study load Qualifications

33 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Study recognition Erasmus type learning agreement

34 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Study recognition Diploma Supplement

35 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Discussion Do you have any further questions? Are there any suggestions? Ideas …

36 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi Organization of the mobility flows Thank you for your attention ERASMUS MUNDUS Al Idrisi

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