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Step-by-Step Guide to Completing Biennial Report Reviews in SharePoint Accreditation Department June 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Step-by-Step Guide to Completing Biennial Report Reviews in SharePoint Accreditation Department June 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step-by-Step Guide to Completing Biennial Report Reviews in SharePoint Accreditation Department June 2008

2 STEP 1- Find Website Enter the following address in web browser (save as a favorite for future use):

3 Step 2- Select RAE Portal Scroll down and click once on the RAE portal name

4 Step 2a - Select RAE Portal Scroll down and click once on (More Links...)

5 Step 2b - Select RAE Portal Scroll down and click once on the RAE portal name

6 STEP 3: Enter user name & password. (If you are already a member of a SharePoint portal, such as ACOTE or PRODEC, it is the same.)

7 If you cannot log on? E-mail the Tell them that you are a member of the RAE SharePoint portal and you cannot log on. They will reset your password.

8 Step 4: click on “Shared Documents”

9 Step 5: Click on “Biennial Report Reviews”

10 Click on BR- Review Checklist (OT Doctoral, OT Masters, or OTA)

11 Click on OK

12 The BR Checklist will open as a word document.

13 Click on “Save As”

14 Identify location to save form on your computer and save

15 Return to shared documents and select BR-4M Form

16 Open the Form 4M and repeat the process of saving to your computer.

17 Complete your review of the report. Name the checklist: –BR Checklist-SCHOOLNAME-YourName.doc Name the BR Form4M –BR 4M-SCHOOLNAME-YourName.doc

18 Return to SharePoint and select the Biennial Report Reviews Folder in the Shared Documents Section

19 Select your folder

20 Select Upload Document

21 Click on browse

22 Locate the file and click on open

23 Click on Save & Close

24 The file is now saved in your review folder- repeat the Process and save the BR 4M for the school.

25 Next Steps The two assigned reviewers are asked to collaborate on their findings. If consensus is reached, the ACOTE member will summarize the findings and prepare the motion form for the ACOTE meeting. If consensus is not reached, the findings will be summarized for discussion with a second ACOTE reviewer.

26 Timelines Post all completed checklists in the designated area of the RAE SharePoint portal (Biennial Report Reviews) by July 1, 2008. Collaborate with your assigned reviewer by phone or e-mail no later than July 11, 2008. ACOTE reviewers should contact Accreditation staff to request missing material from the PD prior to the ACOTE meeting.

27 If the ACOTE review and RAE review are not in agreement, or if potential areas of noncompliance are identified, alert your ACOTE co-reviewer to log into SharePoint to review the comments and the Biennial Report in preparation for action at the August meeting by July 21, 2008. ACOTE members are asked to bring all reviewer's reaction forms and any necessary backup with you to the meeting. Since we are meeting in DC area, staff will have all Biennial Reports available for reference as needed, so you don't need to pack them.

28 Reminder: Common options when completing the motion form: 1.No Further Information Required (in compliance). 2.No further information required, but note in action letter that the following item(s) will be tracked on future Biennial Reports: [cite area to be tracked]. 3.Noncompliance cited regarding Standard(s) [cite Standard number(s)]. (cont…. Next slide)

29 4. Defer action on the Biennial Report... Report incomplete. Does not add address item(s) [list missing items]. Completed report to be submitted on or before [indicate due date]. Or… Additional information regarding the following item(s) needed to determine ACOTE action: [indicate additional information needed]. Requested information to be submitted on or before [indicate due date].

30 Questions?? Call us: Neil @ 800-877-1383 ext 2202 Sue @ 800-877-1383 ext 2912

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