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9 TH GRADE REGISTRATION 2015-16. BRING TO AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL When you come to Austin High School for the orientation day, you will be registering for.

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Presentation on theme: "9 TH GRADE REGISTRATION 2015-16. BRING TO AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL When you come to Austin High School for the orientation day, you will be registering for."— Presentation transcript:


2 BRING TO AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL When you come to Austin High School for the orientation day, you will be registering for your desired electives. These are the items you need to bring: your username and password to get into your student portal. If you can’t remember your password, please email before coming to AHS and they will reset your password. The password will be reset to Packers14. your registration sheet.

3 STEP 1 Log into the school site and go to your student portal. a. On the web page, go to Family Tab and select Parent / Student Portal

4 STEP 2. You will need to log in by completing the username and password i. Username is the student id– four or six digits– no other numbers are needed. ii. Password is one you have selected

5 STEP 3 Once you get into your portal, click on Course Registration (located on the left column).

6 STEP 4 Load your elective and alternate courses. Student Name

7 COURSE VS. ALTERNATE Select “Request Course” or “Request Alternate.”

8 ALTERNATE COURSES Alternate Courses

9 NOTES: Two quick notes about alternate courses  There is no order of preference for elective courses. If an elective is creating a conflict with a required course, we will go to the next one that fits.  Please select wisely – any course selected could be on your schedule next fall.

10 CHANGING REQUESTS If you wish to delete a requested or alternate course, click on the course

11 CHANGING REQUESTS Once this screen appears, you click on “Drop This Request” and the course should disappear from the left-hand column.

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