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Critical Thinking 101 For Project Managers Bill Richardson - 416-867-4776 Handout Version.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking 101 For Project Managers Bill Richardson - 416-867-4776 Handout Version."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking 101 For Project Managers Bill Richardson - 416-867-4776 Handout Version

2 Thinking..The Big Bang of Business. ”Thinking is the nucleus of business…it drives not only what gets created and launched, but also what lives on. It’s the big bang that sets everything else in motion. If you want to change your results, you must first change your thinking.” Marcum and Smith - businessThink

3 “ Good To Great” Jim Collins Right people on the bus Wrong people off the bus Right people in the right seats Then figure out where to drive the bus Top leaders tendencies: Who Can Think Critically!

4 The Painful Reality….. …is that project managers, leaders and companies don’t pay people to think - they pay ( hope, pray,expect) people to agree -----with them! And…..luck is not a method!

5 Tonight- On Critical Thinking! Remind you about being human! Road test in the project life cycle Help you take home the right 30% Refocus your skills Introduce your “Other Half” into a new model


7 Habit Habits can be your best friend or your VERY worst enemy > Form them 1 strand at a time > Break them 1 strand at a time > Your habits are a product of environment > Good news is they are breakable > Bad news it’s simple but not easy “Auto-Pilot Navigation”

8 Learning Context 1 23 4 Conscious Not Conscious Not Competent 21 days then

9 Egocentricity A tendency to view everything in relationship to oneself…... > Memory……convenient and selective > Myopia……narrow point of view > Righteousness…..only we know the truth > Hypocrisy……do as I say, not as I do > Blindness… contradictory facts. “Empowered Beyond Reason”

10 A Perfectly Good Strength When multiplied by ego: > Confidence > Dedication > Courage > Ambition > Perseverance becomes sense of Infalibility becomes Workaholism becomes Foolhardiness becomes Coercion becomes Resistance To Change

11 Fear A painful emotion excited by expectation of evil or apprehension of impending danger….. > Its an emotion put in place to protect us > Conquering fear does not mean destroying it” > Its hormonal and neurochemical > Fictitious Events Appearing Real “Self Inflicted Paralysis”

12 So, What Are Critical Thinking Skills? ….a set of skills for resolving problems and maximizing opportunities, which affect organizations and their customers.

13 The Skills What is or could be happening? Why is it happening? Which is the best course of action? How do we do it? Situational Assessment Problem Solving Decision Making Action Planning We jump to resolution! We jump to cause! We jump to solution! We jump to action! Issues

14 Gather Critical Thinking Process Generate EvaluateAgree Left Brain Right Brain IQEQ

15 Integration and Balance IQEQ Ask the hard questions in a soft way! From “businessThink”

16 Identify Issues Anticipate Issues Clear? Clarify Issues Priority Known? Set Priority Cause Known? Solution Known? Describe Problem List Objectives Draft Plan List Causes Generate Alternatives Anticipate Changes Test Causes Evaluate Alternatives Revise Plan Gain Support Gain Support Seek Agreement No Yes No Yes No Yes Problem Solving Decision MakingAction Planning Situation Assessment The Model

17 Road Test Initiation/ Feasibility Project Life Cycle Feasibility Planning Execution Evaluation ProcessGoal Situation Assessment Clarity? Decision Making Priority? Best Choice Gain Commitment Action Planning Baselines! Situational Assessment Problem Solving Decision Making Action Planning Status Correction Situational Assessment Problem Solving Learning? Costs? Quality Risk? Client Satisfaction

18 Take Home Summary Need Habit Ego Fear Model PROCESSPROCESS SKILLSSKILLS Desired Result Leverage Your Other Half Learn Where To Start Pay Attention & Stay Off Auto Pilot Harness And Keep On A Short Leash Let Go Of “Fear Is Bad” Focus on clarity, priority and root cause and getting agreement Don’t Jump!!! Teach To Learn PREFERENCESPREFERENCES Learn To Identify

19 The Value Proposition Better critical thinking will help you: Deal more effectively with imposed constraints Better manage expectations Better manage - functional vs project dimensions Have more fun in your work life Become more influential

20 Tomorrow? Start Stop Continue ego on a short leash jumping think find the cause focus on clarity ignoring your other half hugging the coastline feel act

21 The Buddha on Mindfulness Non-judgment Patience Beginner’s Mind Trust Non-striving Acceptance Letting Go

22 How They Catch Monkeys

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