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Why do Religious People Care about the Environment? Learning Objectives To know the meanings of the keywords To understand how different groups believe.

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Presentation on theme: "Why do Religious People Care about the Environment? Learning Objectives To know the meanings of the keywords To understand how different groups believe."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why do Religious People Care about the Environment? Learning Objectives To know the meanings of the keywords To understand how different groups believe the world began. Keywords Cosmology Big Bang Evolution

3 How did the world begin?

4 The Big Bang the universe was made by a massive explosion 15 billion years ago Evidence of this can be seen in the Red Shift effect 5 Billion years ago our universe formed 4 and a half billion years ago primitive life began on planet earth and developed through evolution


6 27/05/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com5 The Theory of Evolution is the idea that the universe and all life (animal and human) have developed gradually over millions of years.

7 The Theory of evolution Widely accepted as the best explanation for the origin and development of human life. 27/05/20166

8 Free Template from www.brainybetty.com7 Charles Darwin In the 1830s he went on a scientific expedition to Australasia

9 27/05/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com8 What did he see? Many species that were not found in Europe Lots of fossils In the Galapagos Islands: 13 different types of finch.

10 Why would God create so many different species to suit each island?

11 27/05/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com10 Published in 1859, Darwin’s book caused public outcry from the church.

12 27/05/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com11 “Natural selection is a process in which species of plants and animals change to suit their environment...”


14 When something goes wrong with the transfer of DNA... ‘Genetic Mutation’ occurs. This can often result in a handicap or other disadvantage. But... It can also result in an advantage! The advantage will be passed on to future generations. 27/05/201613




18 Creationism Day 1 – God created Light and Dark Day 2 – God created the sky Day 3 – God created the Earth, Oceans and Plants Day 4 – God created the sun and the moon Day 5 - God created birds and fish Day 6 – God created people and animals Day 7 – God Rested

19 To do: Imagine, aliens are planning to destroy planet earth to build an intergalactic motorway. You have to design a brochure telling aliens about planet earth. You must include: 1) Why the aliens should not destroy planet earth? 2)The fantastic places to see on planet earth 3)The mystery of how planet earth came into existence (start this today). In this section explain the Scientific Cosmology (p138), one Biblical Cosmology (p131) and one Islamic Cosmology (p133)

20 Plenary Do you know.. Big Bang Evolution Biblical Cosmology Qur’anic Cosmology

21 27/05/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com20

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