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Sinful Beginnings Gn.3, Patriarchal period Ex.32, Mosaic period Josh.7, Canaan’s conquest Ac.5, church.

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Presentation on theme: "Sinful Beginnings Gn.3, Patriarchal period Ex.32, Mosaic period Josh.7, Canaan’s conquest Ac.5, church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sinful Beginnings Gn.3, Patriarchal period Ex.32, Mosaic period Josh.7, Canaan’s conquest Ac.5, church

2 Acts 5 - Background Ananias: OT (Dn.1:6); NT (Ac.9:10-17) Sapphira (sapphire) Rv.21:19 Sold a possession (Mt.19:22)

3 I. It Is Possible For A Christian To Sin (2-5)

4 Calvinism Umbrella theory Unregenerated body only (2 Co.7:1) Personal righteousness of Christ imputed

5 Ananias and Sapphira sinned Aggravated lying 2-4, 8 Praise of men Jn.12:42-43 Love of money, 2 Josh.7:1; Mt.6:24 Dishonored God 3-5 (Ps.51:4)

6 I. It Is Possible For A Christian To Sin II. Never Underestimate Satan’s Devices (3)

7 Saintly sinners Good deeds bring temptations  Gn.4  Lv.10  2 Sm.6  1 Co.11 Ac.5:4, no coercion to give * Honest * Lv.10:3 1. Tried to destroy from w/o; now, w/in 2. Tried to halt progress (Josh.7) Savage satan

8 Influence and effect Heart Satan fills (3) Ananias conceives (4) Lk.1:66 Lk.21:14 Gn.3:13 Jn.13:2, 27 “Why?” 1 Co.10:13 Ja.4:7

9 I. It Is Possible For A Christian To Sin II. Never Underestimate Satan’s Devices III. Holy Spirit Is God (3-4)

10 Father H.S. Son Deity (God) IS NOT (Jn.14:28) IS NOT (Jn.14:26) IS NOT (Jn.15:26) IS (Jn.3:16) IS (Jn.20:28) IS (Ac. 5:3-4)

11 Diversity of Holy Spirit Worked many saving miracles “I’m not hurting anyone but myself…” Gn.6:5-6; Ac.7:51; Ep.4:30; Hb.10:29 Saving: Ac.2, 3, 8, 9, etc. Judgment: Ac.5; 13, etc.

12 I. It Is Possible For A Christian To Sin II. Never Underestimate Satan’s Devices IV. Sin Seeks Companions (9) III. Holy Spirit Is God (3-4)

13 Two for price of one A & S united in conspiracy and in judgment (9-10) “I’m not hurting anyone but myself…”  Your influence either builds up or tears down Our family Other people’s

14 I. It Is Possible For A Christian To Sin II. Never Underestimate Satan’s Devices V. God Knows Our Hearts And Motives (9) III. Holy Spirit Is God (3-4) IV. Sin Seeks Companions (9)

15 This is a test… Thought they could “pull it off”; cheat God, get by w. it Knows 1 Sm.16 Judges Mt.6 Demands Jn.4

16 I. It Is Possible For A Christian To Sin II. Never Underestimate Satan’s Devices VI. Possibility Of Apostasy (11) III. Holy Spirit Is God (3-4) IV. Sin Seeks Companions (9) V. God Knows Our Hearts And Motives (9)

17 Rv.21:8 Hb.6:4-6 Why fear (Ac.5:11)? Judas Ananias and Sapphira Others

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