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From policy to practice and back to policy 3 March 2015 Children in Wales Conference Gail Bennett, Parenting Network Chair Flintshire Early Years and Family.

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Presentation on theme: "From policy to practice and back to policy 3 March 2015 Children in Wales Conference Gail Bennett, Parenting Network Chair Flintshire Early Years and Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 From policy to practice and back to policy 3 March 2015 Children in Wales Conference Gail Bennett, Parenting Network Chair Flintshire Early Years and Family Support Manager Melanie Huddleston-Murray, Chair of North Wales Parenting Learning Set

2 Parenting Action Plan 2005-2008 »Welsh Government 3 Year Action Plan »A framework to support children and young people to develop and grow »Recognised ‘parenting’ as a cross-cutting theme amongst services »Required a strategic approach at national and local level »Ended 2008 »‘Parenting’ included within other policy – reducing poverty, increasing educational attainment and supporting cohesive communities. »Creating a wide continuum of service and multi-agency fora who input into parenting »Anticipates services being provided to families along a continuum, pre-birth to 18, early intervention to statutory intervention

3 Parenting Coordinators Network (Wales) »Welsh Policy and Guidance »A group of like-minded individuals joined together to create a forum, it has gone from strength to strength over the 7 years of its life »Co-ordinated by Children in Wales – a BIG thank you to Children in Wales and Lucy Akhtar for believing in the idea and capturing the vision and to all the members past and present who have influenced its development and contributed their knowledge, skills, experience and time »Terms of Reference

4 All Wales Parenting Coordinators Network Aim The National Parenting Coordinators’ Network is intended as a structured forum for relevant parenting professionals with a strategic role in their local authority area to share and reflect on their experiences and learning in order to develop their practice and to adapt and improve systems, processes and services. The National Parenting Coordinators’ Network is also intended to facilitate links between colleagues in different authorities in order to share resources, good practice and training opportunities.

5 All Wales Parenting Coordinators Network Membership The National Parenting Coordinators’ Network membership comprises individuals who have the lead for parenting support in their authority and/or have a strategic or coordinating role within their local authority. All members are encouraged to participate by providing a mutually respectful environment for the open exchange of ideas and opinions.

6 North Wales Parenting Learning Set

7 Melanie Murray Parenting Co-ordinator Wrexham

8 History Families First Learning sets North Wales Parenting Learning Set – established in 2011

9 Membership and Objectives Parenting leads across North Wales, children in Wales and Welsh Government Objectives – Shared experiences, commonalities and difference Discuss overarching strategies, new initiatives and how to implement them Identifying areas of good practice and learning To consider joint purchasing of services Consistent approach

10 Structure Meet Quarterly Guest speakers to give updates and overviews North Wales Parenting Strategy

11 Work Achieved North Wales Parenting Strategy Use of Reliable and Viable Outcome Measures Continued focus on good practice and sharing research.

12 Contact Details Melanie Murray Parenting Co-ordinator Dean Road Family Centre Dean Road Rhosnesni Wrexham 01978 352249

13 In Summary – Members said that a Collaborative arrangements across Wales provides: »An overarching perspective of parenting across Wales and remaining current on policy, guidance and current issues »Supports alignment and consistency in parenting service provision »Provides support and friendship »Enables sharing of resources, time, common approaches, best practice »Provides opportunity for informative discussions e.g. monitoring and evaluation, programme development, management and delivery »Supports the development of coherent strategies »Drives the development of the National Occupational Standards for Work with Parents and related qualifications »Provides for sharing of knowledge and experiences between the four nations and Europe »Supports the identification of viable parenting applications for a multi-lingual community in both rural and urban settings in Wales, with a ‘Think Family’ approach, and sharing the work across localities

14 The Way Forward Members said: »Local implementation of ‘Parenting in Wales: Guidance on engagement and support,’ September 2014 »‘Catch the wave’ of renewed interest »Prioritising what really needs to be achieved, taking into consideration policy, guidance, capacity and budgets »Professionalising parenting provisions, NOS for Work with Parents embedded into the delivery of quality services, including job descriptions; goals; performance indicators, training, practice and supervision. »Exploring and implementing the evidence base for early intervention and prevention »Understanding diversity across Flying Start – extending skills for gaining rapport, engaging with and mediating children’s learning, well being and socialisation »Continuing as a ‘Circle of Excellence’ within the Objectives of the Terms of Reference (available from Children in Wales)

15 Contact Details Gail Bennett, Flintshire Early Years and Family Support Manager »01244 551140 »07554437817 »

16 The Way Forward ‘Continue to work effectively together to ensure the best in our support for families in Wales.’ Who is your Parenting Network representative? Who are your local partners / key stakeholders ? If you could do one thing, which one thing would contribute the greatest value to your locality? service? families? community? What are your networking needs?

17 Thank you – 11:30 Seated

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