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National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service

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1 National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service
RESTRICTED NaVCIS National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service DCI Gordon Roberts Tuesday 15th September 2015

2 National Police Stolen Vehicle Outcomes = 15.5% Feb 2014
NaVCIS Stolen Vehicle Recovery = 78.12% 2013

3 Economic Cost of Vehicle Crime
National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service RESTRICTED Economic Cost of Vehicle Crime Economic cost of Manufacture thefts – Insurance Claims: £4,000,000 per month £19.8k per claim (average) £2k per replacement lock set (if recovered) £90 per police report £100 per key report

4 NaVCIS assists UK Law Enforcement in the reduction of Vehicle and Vehicle Enabled Crime.
Fraud Ports Leisure Agricultural Intel Freight Knowledge

5 Public Private Partnership
Working with members of Finance and Leasing Association, reducing fraud and theft offences. 3,046 vehicles referred, 2,418 (79.45%) (FEB 2014) £35.7 million pounds (JUN – 2014). Public Private Partnership

6 Ports Intelligence Team
Ports Officers – based at Southampton, Felixstowe Dover and Tilbury, looking at vehicles leaving the UK . Dealing with OCG’s, Thefts, Frauds while working with other agencies. Vehicles recovered over 30 months 849, value £17.1 million TILBURY started 1/9/2011 – 231 recovered vehicles up to 30/4/2013 – (62 FLA) value £3,593, FELIXSTOWE started 16/5/11 recovered 210 vehicles up to 17/4/13, (40 FLA) value £3,766,700. SOUTHAMPTON started 2/5/ vehicles recovered up to 26/4/13 (42 FLA) value £1,920, TOTAL value £9,180,053.33

7 NaVCIS Ports Team Key: 1) Belfast Teeside Liverpool Felixstowe Tilbury
Bristol Dover Southampton

8 Ports Intelligence Team
JBIU – Felixstowe - Launch with NaVCIS. INTERPOL Vehicle Crime Global Task Force May 2015. Training – Cyprus/ Switzerland. Carpol /Europol- European/ Global Influence. Intelligence exchange Europol/Interpol

9 NaVCIS INTEL National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service
Caravan Safety & Security National Vehicle Fraud Unit Vehicle Crime Intel’ Operation Semita NaVCIS Freight Agricultural Vehicle Intelligence Ports links Foreign Vehicle checks DVLA Liaison Agricultural Bait vehicle fleet National Bulletins & Alerts NCA Liaison

10 Weekly Intelligence Bulletin Global Circulation Op Semita & Cundall.
NCA Financial Intel Partnership. Interpol/Europol. SIS 2 – April 2015. Project Invex into UK. FADA Database into UK. National Road Policing Vehicle Crime Operations. International Plant and Agricultural Operations. Quarterly National Vehicle Crime Training Programme.

11 NaVCIS CYBER Keyless Theft of Vehicles.

12 Operation Atlantic

13 Out of Hours: As directed by PNC or ANPR marker
General Enquiries: Intelligence: Out of Hours: As directed by PNC or ANPR marker Intelligence: Vehicle Fraud: Gordon Roberts Detective Chief Inspector National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service

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