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UK Code of Practice for the self-regulation of new forms of content on mobiles.

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Presentation on theme: "UK Code of Practice for the self-regulation of new forms of content on mobiles."— Presentation transcript:

1 UK Code of Practice for the self-regulation of new forms of content on mobiles

2 Children and Young People’s use of mobile phones Hamish MacLeod Mobile Broadband Group 8th February 2005

3 The Code 1- Commercial content 2- Internet content 3- Illegal content 4- Unsolicited bulk content 5- Malicious communications 6- Information and Advice

4 Commercial content Own brand or sold by a provider through commercial agreement with mobile operator Independent body to provide a framework for classifying new forms of content (e.g video clips, downloadable games) that are unsuitable for under 18s CC providers will self classify all 18 material All other material, by default, unrestricted

5 Commercial content (2) 18 content will be placed behind access controls Only made available to those that MOs have satisfied themselves are 18 or over Traditional PRS voice and text services will continue under ICSTIS Code of Practice Chat rooms will be behind access controls - unless they are moderated chat rooms

6 The independent classification body “Independent Mobile Classification Body” (IMCB) appointed October 2004 IMCB has developed a classification framework - in line with existing standards in other media ICB will provide advice and resolve disputes Appeal procedure Access controls/age verification will very shortly be in place for all operators

7 Internet content Mobile operators have no control over content offered on Internet - connectivity only Different approaches from operators but internet access is controlled in some way Parents/carers can be offered chance to apply a filter on some networks to IC accessible from mobiles of their children Filter set at network level & is easy to invoke

8 Illegal & bulk content and malicious communications Procedures with police/IWF to deal with content that may break criminal law (MOU, S.46 SOA) Procedures designed to combat unsolicited bulk SMS, MMS and e-mail New “Stop” command New measures on ‘subscription services’ Procedures to manage nuisance or malicious communications sent to customers

9 Information & Advice Code is supported through awareness campaigns either run by operators or jointly Several thousand customer care staff trained on Code

10 B-Aware project for schools

11 Next steps IMCB will start to operate A few outstanding items on compliance Review effectiveness of B Aware Code management

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