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Pesticide Handling Areas, Biobeds and Biofilters

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1 Pesticide Handling Areas, Biobeds and Biofilters
V 1.5, 01/2015 Pesticide Handling Areas, Biobeds and Biofilters A presentation for farmers, operators and advisers CAUTION Seek Advice Before Building a Biobed Contact local Catchment Sensitive Farming Officer or the Environment Agency Developed for the Crop Protection Association and Agricultural Industries Confederation. The assistance of the ADAS, Environment Agency, SEPA, the Farming Unions and Bill Basford is also acknowledged. This is part of the voluntary initiative to minimise the environmental impact of pesticides

2 Contents Main issues Options for Pesticide Handling Areas Sizing
Management and operation Likely costs Final water disposal

3 Background High levels of some pesticides have been found in surface water In UK water companies now need to mix or treat water to comply with the EC Drinking Water Directive Sprayer use, and in particular pesticide handling areas, can be a significant source of water contamination. The Water Framework Directive identifies priority substances and the need to meet good ecological status thus indicating a further need for compliance.

4 Sources of pesticides in the environment
Deposition Atmospheric output, volatilisation Consented discharges Residues in soil, water, crop, food, livestock,wildlife Crop protection products Drainage/ runoff to surface waters Biocides Veterinary medicines Leaching to groundwater Borehole Garden & amenity pesticides Residues in water sediments/biota Biocides

5 Catchment Studies In UK, Germany and Sweden
20-70% pesticide load in surface water catchment is derived from point sources UK - River Cherwell study Funded by Bayer CropScience (UK) Ltd 40% of catchment pesticide load originated from concrete handling/washdown area

6 Pesticides in water: sources of contamination
Diffuse Point Source Non-crop use drift tank filling roads drainflow waste disposal pavements surface flow washings railways interflow/base faulty equipment other hard surfaces seepage leaching spillages amenity areas

7 Sources of Farmyard Pesticide Pollution
Bayer CropScience Cherwell Study

8 Concrete Filling Areas
Typical concrete filling areas showing contamination and run off

9 Always comply with advice
Best Practice - Aims Minimise contamination incidents through good operational routine Limit contamination spread from inadvertent actions Minimise water volumes (rain and washings) on handling area Store empty containers safely and upright after use Dispose of containers frequently and safely as permitted. Through best practice pesticide contamination of water from handling areas can be reduced by as much as 99% Always comply with advice in Codes of Practice

10 Sprayer loading area - Options
Concrete with / without portable bund with permanent bund drained to sump drained to treatment -biobed or chemical Soil / grass Field margin – not bunded Drive over system drained to treatment - biobed or chemical

11 to collection quantities
Concrete Portable bund localises any spills collect and transfer back to sprayer tank. Permanent bund ensure area does not receive other drainage water construct a 100mm high lip/bund around filling area Direct drainage off concrete away from normal drains to... Containment Minimise rainfall Match tank size to collection quantities Disposal through a licensed disposal contractor.. Treatment Consider a Biobed

12 Portable Bund

13 Homemade Splash Catcher

14 Soil / Grass Where site allows, filling the sprayer over a permeable surface can be useful. Natural breakdown of the pesticides is achieved by microbial action in the soil BUT Site >10m away from field drains and watercourses;>50m from springs and non domestic boreholes, >250m from domestic wells and boreholes Prevent soil compaction by use of drive over grid or hardcore May need to move site around periodically if compaction occurs Avoid use on heavy clay

15 Handling Area - with a biobed
A well planned, designed and operated area linked to a biobed will allow pesticides to be retained and degraded by a considerable amount (10, ,000 fold reduction) A pesticide handling area (mixing and sprayer loading only) may be linked to a biobed without the need for a Groundwater Authorisation from the local Environment Agency.(See sprayer washing note on next slide)

16 Sprayer Washdown - Special note
Best Practice for tank washings and sprayer exterior surfaces is to carry this out in the field Any washings should be discharged onto the previously sprayed cropped area Observing maximum dose for that area Follow Statutory (Green) Code advice If sprayer washdown is intended at the pesticide handling area with disposal to land elsewhere, unless a lined biobed is being used, a Permitted Area (previously called a Groundwater Authorisation) must be authorised from the your local Environment Agency

17 Biobeds and The Law EA and SEPA support Lined Biobeds as significant improvement over current practice NEW Regulatory advice for England and Wales from EA Groundwater Authorisation (GWA) now referred to as Permitted Area not required for lined Biobed Water from lined Biobed can be “irrigated” or re-used without GWA Site will have to be registered with EA under Waste regulation Exemption T32. This is free and can be done on line Scotland check with SEPA Northern Ireland check with EHS

18 Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance
Biobeds Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance

19 Biobed System Components
An area (bunded) where the sprayer stands Drainage from that area to a biobed The biobed Drainage from the biobed either direct to a vegetative area or to a designated disposal area

20 Biobed Design Types Offset - the sprayer mixing and loading area is separate from the biobed area Features: Bunded concrete, Slope of 1:100 to silt trap Drain - to supply biobed Direct - the sprayer mixing and loading area is directly over the biobed area Features Direct - bunded Steel drive over grid or wheel tracks

21 Pesticide Handling Areas linked to Biobeds
What do the designs look like? Offset - A separate area, bunded concrete, where the sprayer stands and any liquids drain to a biobed Direct - A drive over grid all liquids drain directly to the biobed below the grid. Both designs deliver to a lined biobed under the T32 Environment Agency Exemption

22 Suitable for wash down under T32 Exemption
OFFSET LINED with disposal area Suitable for wash down under T32 Exemption Where bunded area is roofed then a biofilter or evaporation system may be appropriate, see separate ppt Bunded concrete area Irrigation by drip or sprinkler Turf over Animation to show how and offset lined system functions. Biobed may not neccesarily be underground but would increase pumping demand. LINER Pump within biobed 22

23 Direct Lined Biobed with drive over
DRIVE OVER LINED -with disposal area Suitable for wash down under T32 Exemption Direct Lined Biobed with drive over Disposal by drip or sprinkler Steel Grid Turf over BIOBED Liner Pump

24 Fill area, Biobed, Biofilter, Location.. Location.. Location..
Close to sprayer water filling point, chemical store and electricity supply Away from other traffic / access routes, footpaths etc. Avoiding collecting extra rainfall - check yard contours, other drain routes and overflow issues Separate from other drains / watercourses /boreholes(>10m;>50m non domestic borehole;>250m from domestic borehole) Groundwater Risks?

25 Pesticide Handling Area Dimensions
W Concrete pad L 300 mm Bund W = Sprayer transport width + 2 m L = Sprayer length m 100 mm Drain via silt trap to pump chamber

26 Sprayer loading area - Direct
Size - as for offset Grid - to support total full sprayer weight not compressing liner Mesh must be removable for biomix annual top-up Grid size 100 x 40 mm to suit foot safety and soil/mud flow through

27 The Biobed -What is it? Normally a hole in the ground filled with:
a composted mix 50% by volume straw, 25 % soil, 25% peat-free compost (biomix) with turf on top In principle the biobed may be within an impervious container above ground The hole is lined with an impermeable liner

28 Biobeds - Function, location and size
How do they work? By locking up the pesticides and then providing conditions for enhanced microbial degradation of the active ingredients over time Location A biobed can be sited independently from the loading area, taking account of local drainage, access, groundwater risks, contours etc. Size Where a 24 m, 3000 l sprayer has been used then 5 x 4 x 1 m deep bed has been satisfactory, though local rainfall and frequency of use will influence final size. Biobeds should always be at least 1m deep

29 Biobeds - Components Good turf growth
The biomix materials could be varied from the mix suggested. Guidance must be sought to ensure required properties exist. Turf cover over the biomix is vital to encourage the biological activity of the mix and assist in the management of the moisture status of the biomix. Efficient distribution of the water over the biobed surface is considered critical, drip irrigation is suggested at 400 mm spacing Drip header pipe Good turf growth

30 Sizing Summary Loading area with working allowances, guidance only, best to measure unit on site. Biobed - excavated in soil, 1 m deep, 300 batter on sides, 5 x 4 m area suggested as suiting most situations. Rule of thumb: Biobed area should be at least two/thirds of the area from which it is receiving liquids. Maximum size needed 1:1 biobed surface area : fill area

31 Offset - System Plumbing
From offset loading area, install silt trap approx 300 l capacity supplying pump in small chamber, e.g x 0.75 x 1m deep. Pump, with integral float switch - approx. 40 head, installed to appropriate regulations. Site all pipe runs for adequate frost protection. Pipe to optional holding tank or direct to drip over biobed. Excavate biobed and liner with sealed drain as appropriate or central porous tube containing pump. Liner normally to be 1.5mm synthetic membrane thick with no unsealed seams laid on top of a geotextile membrane (190g/m2) and 25 mm of sand blinding.

32 Direct System Design Design and construct grid to adequately support spray vehicle and ensure safe operator use. Operator should be kept off biobed surface for functional and safety reasons. Allow for grid to be removed in sections for annual biomix top-up. Construct foundations, as appropriate, avoiding support on biobed liner if used. Excavate biobed and liner with sealed drain as appropriate. Liner as with Indirect system. See further biobed installation notes in design manual

33 Biobed - Installation 1 Biobed can either be a biomix - straw, soil and peat-free compost, or loamy soil, note that ratios are given as % by volume Lining must be sealed to outlet drain effectively with coarse filter over drain inlet, e.g. 6 mm mesh Where pump is installed within porous tube sufficient clearance must be allowed for float switch activation. Lining should overlap top of side batter by approx. 300 mm thereby preventing unnecessary rainfall reaching biobed

34 Biobed Installation - 2 Direct drain to optional tank or small pump chamber as before, or to pump to final disposal area Biomix must be composted for 4-6 weeks before use and evenly loaded into hole. Overfill hole to allow for early sinkage Turf should be laid at time of filling to encourage growth. Turf does not need to be high quality and is laid over the surface of the biomix, watering early to encourage growth Install drip irrigation, hard hose type best, laid onto the biobed turf surface as well as the final disposal area, lightly anchor drip lines. Drip irrigation better than spray as spray will cause turf kill. Test pump system before use

35 Biobed Management - short term
Biobed irrigation will maintain regular watering of turf and thus control biomix moisture condition Grass growth will encourage moisture use and thus evapo-transpiration from biobed Check weekly for condition and function. Investigate any tendency for waterlogging. Any foliage cut from biobed turf cover to be mulched over biobed area

36 Biobed management - long term 1
Where biomix is used, material will degrade and level sinks by approx. 300 mm per year Biomix top-up annually necessary. Dependent on turf growth, turf may be peeled back (with adequate operator protection) and new mix added to restore level, replace turf. Check irrigation function

37 Biobed management - long term 2
Biomix material in the hole is required to be exchanged after 5 years use. Removal of biomix should be done carefully (with appropriate operator protection) to a covered non porous area for further composting for one year. Research suggests any pesticides remaining are fully degraded in that period. Drainage from this area should be preferentially routed to the replenished biobed. The spent biomix material may then be spread to land must be in accordance with U10 exemption from Environment Agency.

38 Water distribution - disposal area
Where drip irrigation used, lay hard hose pipes at 400 mm spacing with drippers at around 1.5 l/h flow rate. 1-1.5 running hours per day applies 2-4 mm of water, dependant on equipment used. Set controls, e.g. level switch and any timers, to achieve this, allowing for override in intense rainfall buffer available from optional tank if installed

39 Typical Costs - Offset Sprayer loading area - depends on whether adequate concrete present with bund added or new material - range £ £3000 Each chamber £200, pump £ Biobed, excavation and materials £1000 Liner, with drain £ Drip irrigation to biobed and final disposal, depends on areas £100- £400

40 Typical Costs - Direct Sprayer vehicle grid - range £2000 - £5000
Biobed, excavation and materials / foundations £1000 Liner, with drain £ Each chamber £200, pump £ Drip irrigation to final disposal, depends on area £

41 More Information - Detailed information on designs and principles then Water leading to My area WIYBY H2OK? Campaign Biobeds Catchment Work Environment Agency search biobeds Scottish Environment Protection Agency /biobeds

42 Practical Simple Solutions Protecting the Environment
CPD BASIS CPD Points AP/032/034/d = 1AP NRoSO CPD Points N c = 1AP Practical Simple Solutions Protecting the Environment

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