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Dubai Charity Association. Our Message Practicing the charity and human activity in the hole world by any way, and to raise the highest number of donation.

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Presentation on theme: "Dubai Charity Association. Our Message Practicing the charity and human activity in the hole world by any way, and to raise the highest number of donation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dubai Charity Association

2 Our Message Practicing the charity and human activity in the hole world by any way, and to raise the highest number of donation and delivering the same to their deservers or employing them in execution of the various charity projects inside and outside the Country Also keeping pace with the emergency human incidents within.Sharia bases Our vision Pioneers in the provision of humanitarian services and achievement of the best meetingof the donors desires and needy requirements

3 Their future prospects: External Projects:they have in many poor countries projects that help people live happy and healthy by subblies and educational tools to get Knowledge. Endowment Projects Annual Projects Ramadan Campaign Zakat Ramadan Iftar Al Fitr Alms Eid Clothing The Sacrifices Sacrifices Inside UAE Sacrifices Outside UAE Eid Clothing Substitution Haj Project Completed Project External Projects:they have in many poor countries projects that help people live happy and healthy by subblies and educational tools to get Knowledge. Endowment Projects Annual Projects Ramadan Campaign Zakat Ramadan Iftar Al Fitr Alms Eid Clothing The Sacrifices Sacrifices Inside UAE Sacrifices Outside UAE Eid Clothing Substitution Haj Project Completed Project

4 The Association in Brief Dubai Charity Association DCA started when charitable people from Dubai gathered around to make an association in 1994 by the name of Dubai Charity Association. 4bb09157daa9/default.aspx

5 Dubai charity distributes 5200 sacrifice on Eid 30 / 10 / 2011 Dubai charity Association announced the adoption of five thousand and 200 sacrifice, will be distributed during the Eid al-Adha to the beneficiaries within the State and outside, pointing out that a sacrifice for distribution within the State, and four thousand and 200 qurban distribution outside the State, with a total value of up to 1 million and 760 thousand dirhams. He told the Secretary of the Association Dubai charity Mr. Ahmed Nail that the Assembly has adopted since its inception, adoption programs and humanitarian projects and charity are all in the service of the poor and low-income people, noting that draft the sacrifice is performed every year in cooperation with philanthropists and benefactors who make their offering critically and retain their sacrifice and slaughter purchased Assembly and distribution by legitimate foundations. He will distribute a sacrifice within the State at a cost of up to 500,000 dirhams as a sacrifice worth 500 dirhams, four thousand and 200 sacrifice will be distributed outside the The State, through the offices of one million and 260 thousand Dirhams as cost AED 300 Udhiyah. noted that the sacrificial animals outside the State benefit of both Indonesia and the Philippines, Cambodia, Uganda and Mali, Ethiopia and Ghana, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mauritania, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Gambia, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia and Togo

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