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Stratovolcano By Caitlin K, Temprance D, Summer S. Connor Ellis,Jason Sparks.

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Presentation on theme: "Stratovolcano By Caitlin K, Temprance D, Summer S. Connor Ellis,Jason Sparks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stratovolcano By Caitlin K, Temprance D, Summer S. Connor Ellis,Jason Sparks.

2 General Characteristics Composite Volcano Conical volcano built up by many layers called strata of hardened lava, tetra, pumice, and also volcanic ash

3 Mode of Formation Stratovolcanoes are formed from subduction zones. They also form chains of other volcanoes along tectonic boundaries.

4 Type of Magma The magma in Stratovolcanoes could be felsic or mafic The lava is highly viscous. - Viscous lava poses little threat to people since it flows very slowly

5 Where are Stratovolcanoes found ? Stratovolcanoes are found in the Sunda strait, Indonesian islands, northern Ecuador, several can be found around the ring of fire in the ocean

6 U.S. Stratovolcanoes Mount St. Helens Mount Hood Lassen Peak Mount Churchill Glacier Peak Korovin Volcano

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