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Computer Graphics (under) Sep., 2004 Jung Hong Chuang CSIE NCTU.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Graphics (under) Sep., 2004 Jung Hong Chuang CSIE NCTU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Graphics (under) Sep., 2004 Jung Hong Chuang CSIE NCTU

2 Basic information Instructor – 莊榮宏 jhchuang@csie 工三館 525 5731829 TA – 呂宗弘 阮昭維 {jhlu, vicjuan}@csie 工三館 513 x54787 Focus –3D graphics: theory and practice –Intro to 3D game and animation technologies Web page –

3 Course Part 1: 3D graphics –Pipelined graphics –Global illumination Part 2 –Texture mapping and shadowing –Nature phenomena

4 Course outline 3D graphics -1 Overview –Hardware for graphics –Software for graphics –Graphics API: OpenGL, Direct3D –Application API OpenInventer 3D Game engines Visual simulation tools Virtual reality tools

5 Course outline 3D graphics -2 Basic 2D graphics –2D drawing, 2D clipping –geometric transformation 3D viewing and projection Local illumination –Color model –Illumination, shading

6 Course outline 3D graphics -3 Visibility determination –Back-facing, depth-sorting, scan-line, –Z-buffering –Binary space partition (BSP) Global illumination –Ray tracing –Radiosity

7 Course outline Texture mapping and shadow -4 2D-to-3D Texture mapping Bump mapping, Environment map, Multitexturing, Billboarding, Light map, Normal map, Pixel shader Projective texture mapping Shadow map, Shadow volume, Shadow with projective texture mapping

8 Course outline Nature phenomena -5 Particle system Cloud model/rendering Terrain generation/rendering Fluid modeling/rendering

9 Grading One midterm (20%) One final (20%) Programming assignments (60%) –2 programs (10+20)% –1 project (30%) Project (rendering, interaction, and content) Game design Project contest

10 Reference books References –Interactive computer graphics, 2nd ed., by Angel –Intro. To Computer Graphics by Foley, Van Dam, … –Real-time rendering, 2nd ed. By Moller and Haines –3D Game Engine Design by Eberly

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