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21 September 20091 Gorean Palaces An Introduction By Argos of Saphronicus.

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Presentation on theme: "21 September 20091 Gorean Palaces An Introduction By Argos of Saphronicus."— Presentation transcript:

1 21 September 20091 Gorean Palaces An Introduction By Argos of Saphronicus

2 21 September 2009 2 Agenda We need your ideas, and support. We will start with a bit of history about Gorean Palaces Then I’ll give you some statistics so you know we’re successful – To a Point… We reach people, we just don’t keep many… We want your support Ideas to improve the website, GP Operations, etc. Ideas on how to keep people once they come to palace In short: How do we close the sale!

3 21 September 2009 3 Start of Gorean Palaces Gorean Palaces started with one question: How does one build and grow a palace without stealing people from other palaces?

4 21 September 2009 4 What problem did we set out to solve? Too many palaces… Too few people… 10 Palaces out of 528 draw 283 out of 531 People 2% of the Palaces 53% of the Population The real problem is obvious, too few people OR

5 21 September 2009 5 Where is Palace? What did you get, back in January if you put in a Google Search for “FREE CHAT” Search for another 50 pages as I did, you’ll not find palace… This had to change…

6 21 September 2009 6 Start of Gorean Palaces Gorean Palaces started with one question: How does one build and grow a palace without stealing people from other palaces? The answer seems simple now, but it took over 3 months to conceive of GP Find new people out in the web, looking for free chat, and bring them to Palace

7 21 September 2009 7 Gorean Palaces What is the Purpose of Gorean Palaces To reach out into the web an bring people seeking free chat to Palace, and To reach out to Goreans from other realms on the web looking for good Gorean Chat Marketing Palace for Growth

8 21 September 2009 8 Finding them is not enough Promote Palace as Free Chat Focus on Goreans from other realms Bring them to one Central Clearing House Give them 3 easy steps to download palace client Give them an easy way to register quickly Give them immediate access to Gorean Palaces Link them to the other homes in the group No one home??? Send them to other homes Set up the Common Gate for all GP Homes

9 21 September 2009 9 Summary… Do We Agree On the Problem? Not enough People in Palace… Do We Agree on the Solution? Generate a presence on the web Originally known as “flights of acquisition” Do We Agree on Cooperation? Get new people in Get them familiar with Palace

10 21 September 200910 So… A few stats on our work … What have we done to date?

11 21 September 2009 11 Created the website

12 21 September 2009 12 Created the Common Link Gate People can quickly travel along the 15 homes of Gorean Palaces

13 21 September 2009 13 Reached out into the Web Statistics Introduced 8,555 people since Jan 09 to Palace that would not have known palace existed. Generated 510,589 hits on our website “We introduced 8,555 people to Palace that otherwise would not have known Palace existed”

14 21 September 2009 14 Web presence – First Page! We show up on the First page of Google Search “Free Gorean Chat” We “Palace” did not show up in the first 50 pages back in January of 2009 when we all started

15 21 September 2009 15 What’s next? Will you help us with the effort to promote palace, and Gorean Chat? How do we make the website better? Will you put your shoulder against the stone and help us push… (will you work with us?) How do we keep people once we get them in? Instant Palace works for the lazy and the fearful, how do we keep them once they arrive? We can do this, if we work together… We’ve come very far, in only 9 months, but we need: People with ideas to help us move forward People willing to work hard for the good of palace People who understand our mission, and will help us develop the solutions with their ideas and with their energy Will you join us, and will you help us on our common cause?

16 21 September 200916 Thank you!!! We of Gorean Palaces Wish You Well Let the fire in your bellies show in your every serve slaves…

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