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1. tantalize- arose hopes that will be frustrated verb In Greek mythology Tantalus was a mortal son of Zeus, king of the gods. Several stories tell how.

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Presentation on theme: "1. tantalize- arose hopes that will be frustrated verb In Greek mythology Tantalus was a mortal son of Zeus, king of the gods. Several stories tell how."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. tantalize- arose hopes that will be frustrated verb In Greek mythology Tantalus was a mortal son of Zeus, king of the gods. Several stories tell how Tantalus enraged the gods. The gods punished Tantalus by placing him in a clear pool above which grew delicious fruit. Whenever he sought to relieve his thirst or hunger, the water or fruit would always recede just beyond his reach. Synonyms: tempt, tease, entice Related words: allure, whet

2 Example for tantalize Candy, cake, and pie tantalize the dieter.

3 2. labyrinth- complex, intricate network of passages; complicated situation; maze noun Associated with King Minos of Crete. King Minos had Daedalus build an intricate maze to confine the Minotaur. This elaborate prison of passageways was called the Labyrinth Synonyms: maze, tangle, conundrum[specifically means a riddle or puzzle] Related word: intricacy

4 Example for labyrinth Today, people complain that the labyrinth of government is as confusing as Daedalus’ Labyrinth.

5 3. Machiavellian- unprincipled and crafty adjective The political theorist Machiavelli(1469-1527) lived in Italy during the Renaissance. His book The Prince was essentially a manual for rulers on how to seize and maintain power. Synonyms: cunning, crafty, deceitful, guileful Related word: unscrupulous Contrasted words: candid, aboveboard

6 Example for Machiavellian Politicians may get elected by using Machiavellian tactics, but only if the public does not suspect them of such Machiavellian maneuvering.

7 4. laconic- brief, concise adjective In ancient Greece the Spartans or Laconians were famous for the hardships they bore as part of the vigorous military training. They were also taught to speak briefly and only when necessary. Synonyms: brief, concise, terse Related word: succinct Contrasted word: verbose

8 Example for laconic A good way to dismiss salespersons who phone or knock on your door is to reply laconically, “No.”

9 5. maudlin- excessively sentimental adjective Associated with Mary Magdalene. Because the role of Mary demanded considerable crying and because artists also depicted her with eyes red and puffy from weeping, Mary became associated with tearful sentimentality. Synonyms: mushy, tear-jerking, mawkish Related word: lachrymose

10 Example for maudlin Today we refer to anything sickeningly sentimental, such as tear-jerking soap operas and self-pitying drunks, as maudlin.

11 6. galvanize- startle, excite, shock, electrify Verb Italian physiologist Luigi Galvani(1737-1798) noticed that the leg of a skinned frog he was dissecting twitched when touched by his scalpel. The scalpel had become charged by contact with an electrical machine. Because Galvani demonstrated that a muscle could be shocked into movement, his name gave us the word “galvanize.” Synonyms: excite, stimulate, animate Contrasting word: stupefy

12 Example for galvanize Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, and Martin Luther King, Jr., galvanized audiences with their oratory.

13 7. lethargic- lazy, sluggish, lacking energy Adjective Ancient Greeks believed that the spirits of the deceased drank from the river Lethe before they could enter Hades. The drink totally wiped out their earthly memories. Synonyms: drowsy, torpid Related words: indolent, phlegmatic Contrasted word: vivacious

14 Example for lethargic Nowadays dull and sluggish individuals (who have “forgotten” any motivating drive or purpose) are described as lethargic.

15 8. ostracize- exclude from society, refuse to associate with, banish Verb When ancient Athens established it democracy, it tried to protect this form of government by removing the threat of a potential dictator. In a special annual election, citizens cast their ballots for those politicians they thought were becoming so dangerously powerful as to possibly overthrow the government. For a ballot, a citizen used a piece of pottery or tile called an ostrakon on which he scratched the name of the person to be exiled. Synonyms: reject, isolate, shun Related word: oust

16 Example for ostracize Neighborhood children sometimes cruelly ostracize a new student in their class; ostracizing the class bully makes better sense.

17 9. gregarious- liking the company of others; sociable Adjective Both these words derive from Latin gregis, meaning “flock” or “herd.” Synonyms: social, convivial Related word: extroverted Contrasted word: introverted

18 Example for gregarious Gregarious persons enjoy the company of others; the solitary loner is not gregarious.

19 10. egregious- outstandingly bad Adjective Egregious derives from the Latin phrase e grege (“out of the herd or flock”). Synonyms: outrageous, flagrant Related words: heinous

20 Example for egregious Stealing from a blind beggar and selling drugs to children are egregious acts.

21 Specious seemingly true or genuine but actually false

22 Retrospective Looking back at the past

23 Introspective Looking inward at one’s own thoughts and feelings

24 Circumspect Cautious, watchful, careful

25 Prospective Expected, likely, potential


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