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General knowledge about cardiovascular system

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1 General knowledge about cardiovascular system

2 5 Classes of Blood Vessels
Arteries: carry blood away from heart Arterioles: Are smallest branches of arteries

3 5 Classes of Blood Vessels
Capillaries: are smallest blood vessels location of exchange between blood and interstitial fluid

4 5 Classes of Blood Vessels
Venules: collect blood from capillaries Veins: return blood to heart

5 The Largest Blood Vessels
Attach to heart Pulmonary trunk: carries blood from right ventricle to pulmonary circulation Aorta: carries blood from left ventricle to systemic circulation

6 The Smallest Blood Vessels
Capillaries Have small diameter and thin walls Chemicals and gases diffuse across walls

7 The Anatomy of Blood Vessels
Arteries, veins, and capillaries Have different functions Have different structures

8 Structure of Vessel Walls

9 Arteries and Veins Walls have 3 layers: tunica intima tunica media
tunica externa

10 The Tunica Intima Is the innermost layer Includes:
the endothelial lining connective tissue layer

11 Internal Elastic Membrane
In arteries, is a layer of elastic fibers in outer margin of tunica intima

12 Tunica Media Is the middle layer
Contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle in loose connective tissue Binds to inner and outer layers

13 Tunica Media Exterman elastic membrane of the tunica media:
separates tunica media from tunica externa

14 Tunica Externa Is outer layer Contains connective tissue sheath
Anchors vessel to adjacent tissues

15 Tunica Externa In arteries: In veins: contain collagen elastic fibers
contain elastic fibers smooth muscle cells

16 Vasa Vasorum Small arteries and veins
In walls of large arteries and veins Supply cells of tunica media and tunica externa

17 Arteries vs. Veins Arteries and veins run side-by-side
Arteries have thicker walls and higher blood pressure Collapsed artery has small, round lumen Vein has a large, flat lumen

18 Arteries vs. Veins Vein lining contracts, artery lining does not
Artery lining folds Arteries more elastic Veins have valves

19 Arteries and Pressure Elasticity allows arteries to absorb pressure waves that come with each heartbeat

20 Contractility Arteries change diameter
Controlled by sympathetic division of ANS

21 Structure of Blood Vessels
Figure 21-2

22 Artery Characteristics
From heart to capillaries, arteries change: from elastic arteries to muscular arteries to arterioles

23 Elastic Arteries Also called conducting arteries
Large vessels (e.g., pulmonary trunk and aorta) Tunica media has many elastic fibers and few muscle cells Elasticity evens out pulse force

24 Muscular Arteries Also called distribution arteries
Are medium-sized (most arteries) Tunica media has many muscle cells

25 Arterioles Are small Have little or no tunica externa
Have thin or incomplete tunica media

26 Artery Diameter Small muscular arteries and arterioles:
changes with sympathetic or endocrine stimulation constricted arteries oppose blood flow

27 Resistance (R) The force opposing blood flow Resistance vessels:

28 Aneurysm A bulge in an arterial wall
Is caused by weak spot in elastic fibers Pressure may rupture vessel

29 Capillaries Are smallest vessels with thin walls
Microscopic capillary networks permeate all active tissues

30 Capillary Function Location of all exchange functions of cardiovascular system Materials diffuse between blood and interstitial fluid

31 Capillary Structure Endothelial tube, inside thin basal lamina
No tunica media No tunica externa Diameter is similar to red blood cell

32 Capillary Structure Figure 21-4

33 2 Types of Capillaries Continuous capillaries Fenestrated capillaries

34 Continuous Capillaries
Have complete endothelial lining Are found in all tissues except epithelia and cartilage

35 Functions of Continuous Capillaries
Permit diffusion of: water small solutes Lipid-soluble materials Block: blood cells plasma proteins

36 Specialized Continuous Capillaries
Are in CNS and thymus Have very restricted permeability e.g., the blood–brain barrier

37 Fenestrated Capillaries
Have pores in endothelial lining Permit rapid exchange of water and larger solutes: between plasma and interstitial fluid

38 Fenestrated Capillaries
Are found in: choroid plexus endocrine organs kidneys intestinal tract

39 Sinusoids Areas in: Have gaps between adjacent endothelial cells liver
spleen bone marrow endocrine organs Have gaps between adjacent endothelial cells

40 Sinusoids Permit free exchange:
of water and large plasma proteins between blood and interstitial fluid Phagocytic cells monitor blood at sinusoids

41 Capillary Networks Figure 21-5

42 Capillaries Networks Capillary bed or capillary plexus
Connect 1 arteriole and 1 venule

43 Thoroughfare Channels
Direct capillary connections between arterioles and venules Controlled by smooth muscle segments (metarterioles)

44 Collaterals Multiple arteries that contribute to 1 capillary bed
Allow circulation if 1 artery is blocked Arterial anastomosis: fusion of 2 collateral arteries

45 Arteriovenous Anastomoses
Direct connections between arterioles and venules Bypass the capillary bed

46 Capillary Sphincter Guards entrance to each capillary
Opens and closes, causing capillary blood to flow in pulses

47 Veins Collect blood from capillaries in tissues and organs
Return blood to heart

48 Veins vs. Arteries Are larger in diameter Have thinner walls
Carry lower blood pressure

49 3 Vein Categories Venules: very small veins
collect blood from capillaries

50 3 Vein Categories Medium-sized veins:
thin tunica media and few smooth muscle cells tunica externa with longitudinal bundles of elastic fibers

51 3 Vein Categories Large veins: have all 3 tunica layers
thick tunica externa thin tunica media

52 Valves in the Venous System
Figure 21-6

53 Vein Valves Folds of tunica intima Prevent blood from flowing backward
Compression pushes blood toward heart

54 Venous Blood Distribution
1/3 of venous blood is in the large venous networks of the liver, bone marrow, and skin

55 Veins Response to Blood Loss
Vasomotor centers stimulate sympathetic nerves: systemic veins constrict (venoconstriction) veins in liver, skin and lungs redistribute venous reserve

56 What are the principle blood vessels and functional characteristics of the special circulation to the brain, heart, and lungs?

57 Special Circulation Through organs with separate mechanisms to control blood flow: brain heart lungs

58 Blood Flow to the Brain Is top priority Brain has high oxygen demand
When peripheral vessel constrict, cerebral vessels dilate, normalizing blood flow

59 Heart Attack A blockage of coronary blood flow Can cause: angina
tissue damage heart failure death

60 Pulmonary Blood Pressure
In pulmonary capillaries: is low to encourage reabsorption If capillary pressure rises: pulmonary edema occurs

61 Circulation Patterns Figure 21-18

62 3 Distribution Patterns
Peripheral artery and vein distribution: is the same on right and left, except near the heart

63 3 Distribution Patterns
The same vessel: may have different names in different locations

64 3 Distribution Patterns
Tissues and organs usually have multiple arteries and veins: vessels may be interconnected by anastomoses

65 What are the major arteries and veins of the pulmonary circuit and the areas they serve?

66 The Pulmonary Circuit Figure 21-19

67 The Pulmonary Circuit (1 of 3)
Deoxygenated blood arrives at heart from systemic circuit: passes through right atrium and ventricle enters pulmonary trunk

68 The Pulmonary Circuit (2 of 3)
At the lungs: CO2 is removed O2 is added

69 The Pulmonary Circuit (3 of 3)
Oxygenated blood: returns to the heart is distributed to systemic circuit

70 Pulmonary Vessels Pulmonary arteries: Pulmonary veins:
carry deoxygenated blood Pulmonary veins: carry oxygenated blood

71 Pulmonary Arteries Pulmonary trunk: Pulmonary arteries:
branches to left and right pulmonary arteries Pulmonary arteries: branch into pulmonary arterioles Pulmonary arterioles: branch into capillary networks that surround alveoli

72 Pulmonary Veins Capillary networks around alveoli: Venules:
join to form venules Venules: join to form 4 pulmonary veins Pulmonary veins: empty into left atrium

73 What are the major arteries and veins of the systemic circuit and the areas they serve?

74 Major Systemic Arteries
Figure 21-20

75 The Systemic Circuit Contains 84% of blood volume
Supplies entire body: except for pulmonary circuit

76 Arteries of the Chest and Upper Limbs

77 Systemic Arteries Blood moves from left ventricle: Coronary arteries:
into ascending aorta Coronary arteries: branch from aortic sinus

78 The Aorta The ascending aorta: rises from the left ventricle
curves to form aortic arch turns downward to become descending aorta

79 Branches of the Aortic Arch
Deliver blood to head and neck: brachiocephalic trunk left common carotid artery left subclavian artery

80 The Brachiocephalic Trunk
Branches to form: right subclavian artery right common carotid artery

81 The Subclavian Arteries
Branches within thoracic cavity: internal thoracic artery vertebral artery thyrocervical trunk

82 The Subclavian Arteries
Leaving the thoracic cavity: become axillary artery in arm and brachial artery distally

83 The Brachial Artery Divides at coronoid fossa of humerus:
into radial artery and ulnar artery

84 Radial and Ulnar Arteries
Fuse at wrist to form: superficial and deep palmar arches which supply digital arteries

85 Arteries of the Neck and Head

86 The Common Carotid Arteries
Carry blood to head and neck Each common carotid divides into: external carotid artery internal carotid artery

87 The External Carotid Supplies structures of: neck lower jaw face

88 Arteries of the Brain

89 The Internal Carotid Artery
Enters skull and divides into: opthalmic artery anterior cerebral artery middle cerebral artery

90 The Vertebral Arteries
Also supply brain with blood supply Left and right vertebral arteries: arise from subclavian arteries enter cranium through foramen magnum fuse to form basilar artery

91 The Basilar Artery Branches to form posterior cerebral arteries
become posterior communicating arteries

92 Anastomoses The cerebral arterial circle interconnects:
the internal carotid arteries and the basilar artery

93 Arteries of the Trunk

94 The Descending Aorta Is divided by diaphragm into: thoracic aorta
abdominal aorta

95 Arteries of the Trunk

96 Branches of the Thoracic Aorta
Are anatomically grouped into: visceral parietal

97 4 Visceral Branches Supply organs of the chest: bronchial arteries
pericardial arteries esophogeal arteries mediastinal arteries

98 2 Parietal Branches Supply chest wall: intercostal arteries
superior phrenic arteries

99 The Abdominal Aorta Divides at terminal segment of the aorta into:
left common iliac artery right common iliac artery

100 Branches of the Abdominal Aorta
Unpaired branches: major branches to visceral organs Paired branches: to body wall kidneys urinary bladder structures outside abdominopelvic cavity

101 Arteries of the Abdominopelvic Organs

102 3 Unpaired Branches of the Abdominal Aorta
Celiac trunk, divides into: left gastric artery splenic artery common hepatic artery Superior mesenteric artery Left mesenteric artery

103 5 Paired Branches of the Abdominal Aorta
Inferior phrenic arteries Suprarenal arteries Renal arteries Gonadal arteries Lumbar arteries

104 The Abdominal Aorta Divides to form:
right and left common iliac arteries middle sacral artery

105 The Common Iliac Arteries
Divide to form: internal iliac artery external iliac artery

106 Arteries of the Lower Limbs

107 The External Iliac Arteries
Pass through abdominal wall Becomes femoral arteries

108 The Femoral Artery Branches to: Becomes popliteal artery:
deep femoral artery Becomes popliteal artery: posterior to knee

109 The Popliteal Artery Branches to form: posterior tibial artery
anterior tibial artery

110 The Anterior Tibial Artery
Becomes dorsalis pedis artery at the ankle

111 The Posterior Tibial Artery
Gives rise to the fibular artery Divides at ankle to form: medial and lateral plantar arteries Dorsal arch and plantar arch: supply distal foot and toes

112 Major Systemic Veins

113 Complementary Arteries and Veins
Run side by side Branching patterns of peripheral veins are more variable

114 Differences in Artery and Vein Distribution
In neck and limbs: 1 set of arteries (deep) 2 sets of veins (1 deep, 1 superficial) Venous system controls body temperature

115 All Systemic Veins Drain into either: superior vena cava (SVC)
or inferior vena cava (IVC)

116 Veins of the Head, Neck, and Brain

117 The Superior Vena Cava (SVC)
Receives blood from: head neck chest shoulders upper limbs

118 The Dural Sinuses Superficial cerebral veins and small veins of the brain stem: empty into network of dural sinuses

119 5 Cerebral Sinuses Superior and inferior sagittal sinuses
Petrosal sinuses Occipital sinus Left and right transverse sinuses Straight sinus

120 Cerebral Veins Great cerebral vein: Other cerebral veins:
drains to straight sinus Other cerebral veins: drain to cavernous sinus which drains to petrosal sinus

121 The Left and Right Transverse Sinuses
Converge to form sigmoid sinus: which leaves skull as internal jugular vein

122 Vertebral Veins Empty into brachiocephalic veins of chest

123 Superficial Veins of the Head
Converge to form: temporal, facial, and maxillary veins

124 Veins of the Neck Temporal and maxillary veins: Facial vein:
drain to external jugular vein Facial vein: drains to internal jugular vein

125 Veins of the Abdomen and Chest

126 Veins of the Hand Digital veins:
empty into superficial and deep palmar veins which interconnect to form palmar venous arches

127 Superficial Veins of the Forearm
Superficial arch empties into: cephalic vein median antebrachial vein median cubital vein

128 Deep Veins of the Forearm
Deep palmar veins drain into: radial and ulnar veins which fuse above elbow to form brachial vein

129 The Brachial Vein Merges with basilic vein To become axillary vein

130 Veins of the Upper Arm Cephalic vein joins axillary vein:
to form subclavian vein

131 The Subclavian Vein Merges with external and internal jugular veins:
to form brachiocephalic vein which enters thoracic cavity

132 Veins of the Thoracic Cavity
Brachiocephalic vein receives blood from: vertebral vein internal thoracic vein

133 The Left and Right Brachiocephalic Veins
Merge to form the superior vena cava (SVC)

134 Tributaries of the SVC Azygous vein and hemiazygous vein which receive blood from: intercostal veins esophageal veins veins of other mediastinal structures

135 Tributaries of the Superior Vena Cava

136 Tributaries of the Inferior Vena Cava

137 The Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)
Collects blood from organs inferior to the diaphragm

138 Veins of the Lower Limbs

139 Veins of the Foot Capillaries of the sole:
drain into a network of plantar veins which supply the plantar venous arch

140 The Plantar Network Drains into deep veins of leg:
anterior tibial vein posterior tibial vein fibular vein

141 Deep Veins of the Leg Join to become popliteal vein:
anterior tibial vein posterior tibial vein fibular vein

142 The Dorsal Venous Arch Collects blood from: superior surface of foot
digital veins

143 The Dorsal Venous Arch Drains into 2 superficial veins:
1. great saphenous vein: which drains into femoral vein 2. small saphenous vein: which drains into popliteal vein

144 The Popliteal Vein Becomes the femoral vein At the femur

145 The Femoral Vein Before entering abdominal wall, receives blood from:
great saphenous vein deep femoral vein femoral circumflex vein Inside the pelvic cavity: becomes the external iliac vein

146 The External Iliac Veins
Are joined by internal iliac veins: to form right and left common iliac veins

147 The Right and Left Common Iliac Veins
Merge to form the inferior vena cava

148 Veins of the Abdomen

149 6 Major Tributaries of the Abdominal Inferior Vena Cava
Lumbar veins Gonadal veins Hepatic veins Renal veins Suprarenal veins Phrenic veins

150 The Hepatic Portal System

151 The Hepatic Portal System
Connects 2 capillary beds Delivers nutrient-laden blood: from capillaries of digestive organs to liver sinusoids for processing

152 5 Tributaries of the Hepatic Portal Vein
Inferior mesenteric vein: drains part of large intestine Splenic vein: drains spleen, part of stomach, and pancreas Superior mesenteric vein: drains part of stomach, small intestine, and part of large intestine

153 5 Tributaries of the Hepatic Portal Vein
Left and right gastric veins: drains part of stomach Cystic vein: drains gallbladder

154 Blood Processed in Liver
After processing in liver sinusoids, blood collects in hepatic veins and empties into inferior vena cava

155 Fetal Circulation Embryonic lungs and digestive tract nonfunctional
Respiratory functions and nutrition provided by placenta

156 Placental Blood Supply
Figure 21-33a

157 Placental Blood Supply
Blood flows to the placenta: through a pair of umbilical arteries which arise from internal iliac arteries and enter umbilical cord

158 Placental Blood Return
Blood returns from placenta: in a single umbilical vein which drains into ductus venosus Ductus venosus: empties into inferior vena cava

159 The Neonatal Heart Figure 21-33b

160 Before Birth Fetal lungs are collapsed
O2 provided by placental circulation

161 At Birth Newborn breathes air Lungs expand
Pulmonary circulation provides O2

162 2 Fetal Pulmonary Circulation Bypasses
Foramen ovale: interatrial opening covered by valve-like flap directs blood from right to left atrium Ductus arteriosus: short vessel connects pulmonary and aortic trunks

163 Cardiovascular Changes at Birth
Pulmonary vessels expand Reduced resistance allows blood flow Rising O2 causes ductus arteriosus constriction Rising left atrium pressure closes foramen ovale

164 Congenital Cardiovascular Problems
Figure 21-34

165 Congenital Cardiovascular Problems
Develop if proper circulatory changes do not occur at birth

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