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The Navajo Indians By: Kianna Tsosie.

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Presentation on theme: "The Navajo Indians By: Kianna Tsosie."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Navajo Indians By: Kianna Tsosie

2 Table of Contents Slid three: Traditions Slid Four: What did they eat
Slid Five: Where did they live Slid Six: How did they dress Slid Seven: Fames People Slid Eight: Contributions Slid Nine: How big is the tribe Slid Ten: Extra information about the tribe Slid Eleven: Quiz Slid Twelve: Bibliography Slid Thirteen: About the Author

3 Tribe Traditions babies first laugh. Is when some one makes the baby laugh has to make a make the family a meal. Kinaalda is ceremony when a girl goes thru puberty . Running into the dawn helps get rid of bad thoughts and bring positive thoughts.

4 What did they eat? The Navajo ate , Navajo cake ,squash ,yucca fruit. They also ate deer ,bison ,corn ,berries ,beans ,mutton and rabbit.

5 Where did they live The Navajo lived in hogons in the South West and the Grand Canyon. Also they lived near the Four Corners and lived in Arizona , Utah and Colorado. The Navajo Indians mostly lived in Arizona.

6 How Did They Dress Women dress in deer hide dresses. Men dress in deer hide . . They also dress in bison hide. They also wore moccasins.

7 Famous People Ruth Roessel Chief Manuelito

8 Contributions There contributions were, Silver it was used for jewelry
Weaved Rugs are used as rug in there homes and in ceremonies. Pottery was used to store food and water. Dream catchers were used to catch bad dreams .

9 How big was their tribe Their tribe was the biggest tribe in the U.S .It has a little over 250,000 people in the past. It was invaded and the number dropped .

10 Extra information They owned a territory of 927,425 acres . They also trained about 400 people to use Navajo code.

11 Quiz About how big was there tribe ?
By looking at the map on slid 5 where did they mostly live ? What kinds of shoes did they wear ?

12 Bibliography leading the way wisdom of the Navajo people
.com/ Navajo people

13 About the author I live in Hooper Utah .
My favorite book is The Rescue . My favorite activities are tumbling and basket ball. What you should know about me is that I have lots of kittens that need homes . I can help others by cleaning up trash . My favorite subject is art .

14 The End

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