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Review Free and Open Source Software applications for biodiversity Richard Knight Dept. Biodiversity & Conservation Biology Digital Freedom Exposition.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Free and Open Source Software applications for biodiversity Richard Knight Dept. Biodiversity & Conservation Biology Digital Freedom Exposition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Free and Open Source Software applications for biodiversity Richard Knight Dept. Biodiversity & Conservation Biology Digital Freedom Exposition 19-20th April 2007

2 Problem: Most University's teach using commercial software due to significant vendor discounts. While justified at advanced levels at introductory levels spatial analysis can be taught easy-to-use Open Source and Free-ware. Data management is not taught.

3 Introducing Geo-informatics Biodiversity and Conservation Dept. are to introduce a taught MSc course. Small funding, but good bursary support from Meraka Institute. Will specifically focus on using Open Source and Free Software. Preliminary approach.

4 Systemic Approach Cradle to grave approach: –Species data management –Spatial data management –Analysis –Presentation –Courseware management (Social Constructionist Pedagogy) Emphasis on cost-effectiveness. Collaboration.

5 Mobile-compliant Intention is to develop the course using: –Distance/eLearning with multimedia content using Java Applets (Sound, Animation and Transcripts) –Online self-evaluation (html) –Mobiles (collaboration with Stanford University) –Other African partners Universities (Mweka & Makerere

6 Data Management Species records (Herbarium/Museum) –Accuracy and data cleaning –Setting up a web-enable Biodiversity data- base using Bauble (collections) BCB Herbarium Coraline Algae Hermanus Herbarium Local Museums

7 Spatial Management Most common are ESRI products –Expensive –Licensing Problems –Continuous financial drain (Project funds) Migrate to Diva –Multi-platform Windows, Java & Linux –Files compatible with ESRI products –Tutorials: e.g. Climate Change Modeling

8 Statistical Analysis Highly Flexible Script-based Good for Modeling applications Used to predict species exists Predict species distribution change with Climate Change

9 PuttingTogether Make a web-enable Biodiversity data base select some species for distribution modelling Predict the vulnerability to climate change Document Methodology through Blog and Wiki pages Chisimba (Blog & Wiki) Publish as WebGIS

10 Mobile Learning Collaboration with Stanford University Donation of Ericsson P990i High compression (Impatica) TESTING (Blog & Wiki) Supply all content one off on the phone Course managed (access and upload) using Mobile Blogging/Wiki (FISU)

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