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26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD Vision for ERB-mission for post-EPS ? Post-EPS: Background MRD Priorities for different mission.

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Presentation on theme: "26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD Vision for ERB-mission for post-EPS ? Post-EPS: Background MRD Priorities for different mission."— Presentation transcript:

1 26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD Vision for ERB-mission for post-EPS ? Post-EPS: Background MRD Priorities for different mission Earth Radiation Budget Instrument on Post-EPS

2 26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD Post-EPS Need date and overall planning Caveat: as of April 2005 presented by EUM (!)

3 26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD Vision for ERB-mission for post-EPS ? Post-EPS: Background Tentative missions identified –Wind Profiling –Atmospheric Sounding –Ocean Imaging (incl. Sea Ice, Winds) –Ocean Surface Topography –Cloud, Precipitation & Land Surface Imaging –Atmospheric Chemistry + Climate Monitoring (to be supported within above missions) Caveat: as of April 2005 presented by EUM (!) User Consultation: review/expansion of user requirements and initial assessment of relevant observation techniques by Application Expert Groups (AEG) supported by Remote Sensing Experts Atmospheric Sounding and Wind Profiling Ocean Topography and Imaging Cloud, Precipitation & Land Surface Imaging Atmospheric Chemistry

4 26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD InstrumentPriorityinstrument class __________________________________________________________________________ Microwave Sounding (MWS)3AMSU, ATMS Dual View Radiometry (DVR)3ATSR, AATRS Radar Altimetry (ALT)3RA Radiant Energy Radiometry (RER)3CERES, ERB,S, ERM, ScaRaB Microwave Imaging (MWI)2SSM/I, SSMIS, CMIS, AMSR, TMI - Ocean and Land – High-Resolution Infrared Sounding (IRS)2IASI, AIRS, CrIS Microwave Imaging (MWI) 2as MWI – Cloud - Aerosol Profiling Lidar (APL)2ATLID, CALIOP Ocean Colour Imaging (OI)2MERIS, VIIRS, MODIS, OCM VIS/IR Imaging (VII)1VIIRS, MODIS, AVHRR, VIRR Scatterometry (SCA)1ASCAT, SeaWinds, AMI-SCAT Microwave Imaging (MWI)1as MWI -Precipitation – Cloud and Precipitation Radar (CPR)1PR (TRIMM), CPR Earth-CARE, C CPR CloudSat Limb Millimetre-Wave Sounding (MMW)1MLS (EOS-Aura) Radio Occultation Sounding (RO)0GRAS, ROSA, IGOS Doppler Wind Lidar (DWL)0ALADIN (ADM-Aeolus) Nadir viewing UV/VIS/NIR-SWIR Sounding (UVNS)0GOME-2, Sciamachy, SBUV, MOPITT, OMI, OMPS Multiple-viewing, Multi-channel, Multi-0POLDER, MISR, AMS Polarization Imaging (3MI) Limb Infra-Red Sounding (LIR)0MIPAS, TES, HIRDLS Different Absorption Lidar (DIA)0ATLID PMET: Post-EPS Mission Prioritisation – Climate

5 26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD Conclusion about status so far Although the climate expert group considered RER to be very import, it was set to a lower priority by all other expert groups (NWC, NWP, etc.) => there will be no climate mission with an RER instrument. Nevertheless, there might be a 2nd chance… The following question has been posed by J. Eyre: „It is clear, that RER is not coming out high in prioritized missions, despite its importance for climate monitoring. This might be not a problem, if RER is a small, undemanding instrument, which can easily be accommodated as a ‚passenger‘ on a platform without driving it..[]“ Rem: (Bruce W.): there is no climate obs. System by design, only by default

6 26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD There might be a 2 nd chance… - a simple instrument which, at each location viewed, measures broad-band radiances at only one viewing angle (relying on instruments on other missions or on calculations, for the radiance to flux conversion) OR - a more complex instrument which views at several angles. => „VISION“ from the Radiation Budget community is needed!!! In other words: (Deadline: PMET-5 Meeting End of May)

7 26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD Statement from B. Bizzarri: „As conceived so far, the ERB mission is not effective. CERES is about 100 kg & 100 W payload and its use is limited by the awful amount of anc./aux-Data needed for processing its data. Even so, data are only used for process studies or GCM performance and not for NWP assimilation. Re-design of vision for ERB mission, involving synergy/merging with 3MI would be desirable.” Comments?

8 26. GIST Meeting, RAL, 03.-04.05.2007Rainer Hollmann, DWD Priorities from climate application group 3 highest prio, 1 lowest prio

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