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A change in design thinking. Scrolling Your learners are already doing it.

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Presentation on theme: "A change in design thinking. Scrolling Your learners are already doing it."— Presentation transcript:

1 A change in design thinking

2 Scrolling Your learners are already doing it

3 Scrolling Your learners are already doing it ‘Keep everything above the fold’ is out of date Easier Elegant Exploratory Device proof your learning

4 Scrolling Works Volvo site had car model information using click to go to next page. Users only saw 18% of the content Changed to one long scrolling page 46% of users now view the content

5 Rethinking E-Learning Design Making navigation a part of the journey No page templates Building flexible content in small blocks and components Meaningful navigation – pages are as long or as short as they need to be Think about use on different devices

6 ABC – Article, Blocks, Components

7 Learner centered design Learner is still at the heart of the learning even though the method and delivery approach has changed Can still use Gagne and scenario approaches It requires a new approach to design thinking and allows more creativity

8 Open source & free No vendor lock-in Fully responsive Industry standards Accessible Searchable Adopts web based scrolling principles Adapt

9 217 modules build and delivered 70+ organisations using Adapt content 45 plugins built and supported 94,222 lines of code that took 24 years to write 18,702 unique visitors across 145 countries 1,661 registered users 7 active partners




13 Join the Adapt Learning Community at Follow Adapt Learning on Twitter Check out our website for the latest multi-device case studies and updates What next…

14 Keep up to speed on the latest in elearning. Search on BuzzSumo for the most shared content on any topic. Bonus Tip

15 Thank You @steverayson

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