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GATED OPTICAL SENSORS Pavlo Molchanov 1, Vincent M. Contarino 2, Olha Asmolova 1 1 AMPAC Inc., USA, 2 Naval Air Systems Command Research.

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Presentation on theme: "GATED OPTICAL SENSORS Pavlo Molchanov 1, Vincent M. Contarino 2, Olha Asmolova 1 1 AMPAC Inc., USA, 2 Naval Air Systems Command Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 GATED OPTICAL SENSORS Pavlo Molchanov 1, Vincent M. Contarino 2, Olha Asmolova 1 1 AMPAC Inc., USA,; 2 Naval Air Systems Command Research and Engineering Group, Patuxent River, MD, USA, 20670-1161;


3 GATED OPTICAL SENSORS Gated Photodetectors, or One point optical sensors Gated Cameras or Imaging optical sensors Hamamatsu (8 mm. diameter active area) photomultiplier tube R7400U series

4 Gating photomultiplier tube with large resistance photocathode and three controlled dynodes (M10)

5 Photosensitive Module M8 H7400U with large resistance semitransparent bialkali photocathode

6 Schematic of gated power supply with two gated transistors, H5900U, H7600U, (LS2.1)

7 Experimental setup for investigation gated photodetector in pulse regime

8 Gating rise time 10 nsec Setting time 40 nsec for 99% M8, H7400U Input Signal 10nsec Gate Closed Gate Open Input Signal 40nsec Gate Closed Gate Open Output Signal

9 Attenuation in Closed State 30 dB of Optical power Gate Closed Gate Open 2mV Input signal Output signal ND=3 ND=6 2mV Gate Closed Gate Open Input signal Output signal M8, H7400U

10 50 dB Dynamic Range Of Optical Power 50 DB M7 M8

11 Underwater Target Detection -protection from ocean surface reflected laser beam; -protection from sunburst reflections; -decreasing of noise background.

12 SeaTROLL mounted on the bow of R/V New Horizon during field test [Fully assembled SeaTROLL system mounted on rails and extended out over bow of ship]

13 Application of Gated IR camera in Fire LIDAR Regular Camera Gated IR camera

14 GATED OPTICAL SENSORS Gating Pulse width Area of observation (resolution)Application 1-10 Nano second 0.3 – 3 meter Underwater measurements, Target detection 1 Pico second Pico second0.3millimeter Human body screening 1 Femto second 0.3micrometer Biomedical microscopy, tomography

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