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Topics 1.What USP should teach regarding GIS&RS and Data Sharing 2.Vegetation Mapping in Pacific Island Countries 3.Disaster Application of GIS and RS.

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Presentation on theme: "Topics 1.What USP should teach regarding GIS&RS and Data Sharing 2.Vegetation Mapping in Pacific Island Countries 3.Disaster Application of GIS and RS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topics 1.What USP should teach regarding GIS&RS and Data Sharing 2.Vegetation Mapping in Pacific Island Countries 3.Disaster Application of GIS and RS 4.Utility GIS Application 5.Open Source GIS, RS and Database Software and GIS Web Applications 6.DTM Creation and Editing 7.What GIS can do for Climate Change Debate

2 DTM / DSM Establishment Need for low lying islands and flood plains [sub m contour lines]Need for low lying islands and flood plains [sub m contour lines] Need for water catchment monitoring or airport security [2-5 contours]Need for water catchment monitoring or airport security [2-5 contours] Need for atmospheric correction [5-20 m contour]Need for atmospheric correction [5-20 m contour] Need for ortho correction [~]Need for ortho correction [~]

3 Situation Islands Sand is drifting awaySand is drifting away Beach is building upBeach is building up Reason not fully clarifiedReason not fully clarified Monitoring essential to forecast the changeMonitoring essential to forecast the change Sand is drifting awaySand is drifting away Beach is building upBeach is building up Reason not fully clarifiedReason not fully clarified Monitoring essential to forecast the changeMonitoring essential to forecast the change

4 Coastline Change Detection

5 Airborne LiDAR Differential DTM (sand movement) DTM sub metre contour lines flood plains (Nadi) $US 400 / km 2 ?

6 RTK GPS (difficult)

7 TanDEM-X (2008) Two high-res. SatellitesTwo high-res. Satellites DEM generation world wide 2m contour linesDEM generation world wide 2m contour lines Will this DEM be available?

8 Radar Interferometry Island Change

9 Vegetation Mapping Volcanic Islands 1:50,000 scale Logging areas – unlogged forestLogging areas – unlogged forest Forest density, forest typesForest density, forest types DTM for atmospheric correctionDTM for atmospheric correction 1:10,000 scale DTM required areas > 30 degreeDTM required areas > 30 degree Signature (& texture) data bases forestry and agricultureSignature (& texture) data bases forestry and agriculture

10 Vegetation Mapping Low Lying Islands Spectral differences of bread fruit and padanus to shrub and othersSpectral differences of bread fruit and padanus to shrub and others Palms/ha for dense palm standsPalms/ha for dense palm stands Vegetation index base line  bundle dataVegetation index base line  bundle data

11 Leaves under Stress (not damaged !) Leaves under stress: Cell walls different IR reflection reduced

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