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FAQ Will my child be ready for middle school? Yes!Yes! Transition activities with middle school in the spring include visit to RMS, 6th grade ambassadors.

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2 FAQ Will my child be ready for middle school? Yes!Yes! Transition activities with middle school in the spring include visit to RMS, 6th grade ambassadors visiting SBE, counselor lessons, practicing with locks, etc…Transition activities with middle school in the spring include visit to RMS, 6th grade ambassadors visiting SBE, counselor lessons, practicing with locks, etc…

3 FAQ All monthly birthdays celebrated on the last Friday of the monthAll monthly birthdays celebrated on the last Friday of the month Coordinated by room mothersCoordinated by room mothers Prepackaged, store bought foods onlyPrepackaged, store bought foods only

4 FAQ What is the BIG field trip I’ve heard about in fifth grade? May 15, 2012 – Chattanooga, TNMay 15, 2012 – Chattanooga, TN Extended day trip ( 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.)Extended day trip ( 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.) Charter busCharter bus More information on destination to comeMore information on destination to come Many chaperones invitedMany chaperones invited

5 Helpful Hints for Fifth Grade Daily use of agendaDaily use of agenda Review of graded workReview of graded work Mastery of multiplication factsMastery of multiplication facts Nightly reading of grade appropriate booksNightly reading of grade appropriate books IXL – more information to comeIXL – more information to come Use of teacher websites and educational linksUse of teacher websites and educational links Parent PortalParent Portal Foster independence while helping with review and study skillsFoster independence while helping with review and study skills

6 Fifth Grade Testing GA Writing Test – March 7GA Writing Test – March 7 CRCT – April 11 - 20 CRCT – April 11 - 20 *Critical year for Math and Reading

7 Grade PLUS 4 th and 5 th Grade 2011-12

8 11-12 Grade PLUS Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, all 4 th and 5 th grade classrooms across Forsyth County will be using the Grade PLUS system of reporting. This reporting system uses both standards-based scores of 1-4 and traditional percentage grades.

9 Assessment and Grading The learning expectations and standards for performance have been outlined for each quarter based on the Georgia Performance Standards. Teachers will use two types of classroom assessments, formative and summative.

10 Formative Assessments  Daily, ongoing assessments/observations that are used to monitor student progress toward mastery of standards.  Formative assessments will receive a standards- based score as outlined in the rubric.  Formative scores will not be posted in Parent Portal. These scores will be communicated to parents in the weekly work folder sent home by the teacher. KEY TO FORMATIVE BASED ACHIEVEMENT 1 Limited or minimal progress toward standard 2 Ongoing progress toward standard 3 Consistent achievement of standard 4 Mastery of Standard

11 Summative Assessments  Cumulative assessments will receive a traditional numeric grade and will be used to measure student mastery of standards.  Summative grades will be posted in Parent Portal and the average will serve as the report card grade. KEY TO SUMMATIVE BASED ACHIEVEMENT F <70% C 70-79% B 80-89% A 90-100%

12 Summative Assessment Re-tests  Students will be allowed ONE retest for each summative county issued assessment.  Students eligible for a retest must participate in re-teaching and re-learning sessions and/or assignments as determined by the teacher.  Students will receive the higher of the two grades.  The purpose of allowing a retest is to ensure mastery of standards.

13 Work Habits Student work habits will be reported using the following categories: Responsibility, Participation, Assignment Completion, and Interpersonal Skills In each of the above categories, students will receive one of the following scores: Does Not Meet (D), Successful (S), or Exemplary (E). {Successful (S) is the expectation of students}

14 Report Card The Grade Plus report cards will have both a traditional numeric grade for subjects and standards based scores for each of the domains from the rubrics. This system of grading will only be used in English, Reading and Math. The Grade Plus report cards will have both a traditional numeric grade for subjects and standards based scores for each of the domains from the rubrics. This system of grading will only be used in English, Reading and Math. Science and Social Studies will receive traditional numeric grades.

15 Parent Communication  Updated Parent Grading and Reporting Webpage  Parent letter, provided during the first week of school, outlining grading and reporting procedures  Quarterly Rubrics, provided each nine weeks outlining standards by quarter to assist with monitoring student progress  Weekly student work with teacher feedback  Summative test scores posted in Parent Portal

16 Student Benefits  Students understand learning expectations/standards  Teachers provide differentiated instruction to meet their needs  Students self-evaluate progress and set goals for learning  Teachers provide timely, descriptive feedback

17 Bring Your Own Technology Parent concerns have been read and discussed County-wide initiative Shown success in other area schools Optional – laptops will be provided for students who do not bring their own technology Only allowed on assigned days/times for specific classroom educational activity Filtered wireless network – NO 3g allowed

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