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WELCOME TO 4 TH GRADE OPEN HOUSE Classroom Teachers: Ms. Janelle Clasquin, Mrs. Susan Gottlieb, Mrs. Julie Otey, and Ms. Traci Ruder SSD Staff: Mrs. Caren.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO 4 TH GRADE OPEN HOUSE Classroom Teachers: Ms. Janelle Clasquin, Mrs. Susan Gottlieb, Mrs. Julie Otey, and Ms. Traci Ruder SSD Staff: Mrs. Caren."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO 4 TH GRADE OPEN HOUSE Classroom Teachers: Ms. Janelle Clasquin, Mrs. Susan Gottlieb, Mrs. Julie Otey, and Ms. Traci Ruder SSD Staff: Mrs. Caren Lochman (DHH), Mrs. Mickey Schuchardt (DHH), Mrs. Julie Peraud (DHH), Mrs. Katie Graham, Mrs. Tracy Model, and Ms. Carrie Overstreet

2 OUR LEARNING COMMUNITY  Life in the pod takes cooperation and flexibility on everyone’s part, but we believe that our “team approach” to teaching and learning is beneficial to all kids.  Throughout the year, we will plan special activities to build community as well as celebrate our learning.

3 EXPECTATIONS  Reflection Sheet Reflection Sheet  Office Referral Form Office Referral Form  “Star Bucks” “Star Bucks”  Missing Assignment Sheet Missing Assignment Sheet

4 HOME-SCHOOL COMMUNICATION  Assignment Book (sign nightly, look for notes)  Weekly Update Weekly Update  4 th Grade Website 4 th Grade Website  4 th Grade News 4 th Grade News  Parent-Teacher Conferences (November 15, 2012 and March 7, 2013)

5 SPECIAL NOTES  Specials: Music, Art, P.E.  P.E. is every other day  Rotation schedule: 2:15-2:45 Health Enrichment Strings  Flexible Library time (Mondays and Fridays)  Birthday Celebrations  Parent Volunteer Sign-Up  Parent/Student Handbook  Arrival/Dismissal (no coming in before/after school)  Your Child’s Safety – Signing into office After the pledge is tardy  Wellness Break  Change in going home

6 DAILY SCHEDULE/CURRICULUM  Smart Start  Science/Social Studies  Specials  Read Aloud/Community  Word Study  Writing  Lunch  Wellness  Math  Rotation  Pack Up  Reading

7 SPECIAL EVENTS AND FIELD TRIPS  Symphony (Thursday, February 21, 2013)  Pioneer Day (Spring 2013)  St. Charles (Spring 2013)  Missouri Studies Project (April 18, 2013)  Orchestra and Choir Concert (May 8, 2013)  Government Day

8 PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO...  Sign up to be a volunteer. The sign-up sheets are located in each classroom. There are field trip volunteers needed as well as classroom helpers. Your help is greatly appreciated!

9 REMINDERS:  Birthday invitations  P.E. shoes  Parents can sign-up for Parent-Teacher Conferences in the Café.  Please turn in $5.00 for classroom party money for the year  Late start days are the 1 st Wednesday of every month, except for January  PTO will be advertising Spirit wear, looking for volunteers, buzz books, etc. in the café  Don’t forget to sign up for conferences in the café!

10 Thank you so much for attending open house. WE firmly believe that teaching children is a team approach that includes both parents, teachers, and Students!






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