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THE U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Who Are We? August 31, 2010 Georgia Tech Research Institute Atlanta, Georgia.

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Presentation on theme: "THE U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Who Are We? August 31, 2010 Georgia Tech Research Institute Atlanta, Georgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Who Are We? August 31, 2010 Georgia Tech Research Institute Atlanta, Georgia

2 2 GSA established by President Harry Truman on July 1, 1949. GSA leverages the buying power of the federal government to acquire best value for taxpayers and our federal customers. GSA delivers superior workplaces, quality acquisition services and expert business solutions. The Agency

3 GSA - What We Do GSA delivers products, services and policies to its federal customers through the: –Federal Acquisition Service –Public Buildings Service GSA interacts with our customers through 11 Regional Offices and Central Office in Washington, D.C.

4 FAS - What We Do Federal Acquisition Service Uses innovative techniques and wide-buying power to successfully deliver new and existing services, products and solutions. Delivers over $50 billion of best-value products, services and solutions to federal customers, allowing them to effectively and efficiently achieve their missions.

5 PBS - What We Do Public Buildings Service Landlord for the civilian federal government. Design and build award-winning courthouses, border stations, federal buildings, labs, data centers, etc. Repair, alter, and renovate facilities. Lease space.

6 PBS - What We Do Public Buildings Service Leader in energy conservation, sustainability, recycling, and historic preservation. We house over 100 child care centers. Donate or sell real estate for federal agencies. Commission artwork for buildings and conserve New Deal art.

7 How We Do It GSA’s Southeast Sunbelt Region (Region 4) is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and serves Eight (8) States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. More than 570 PBS regional employees serving 125,000 tenants in over 39,000,000 square feet of federally owned and leased office.

8 8 Regional Commissioner Facilities Management & Services Programs Division Service Centers Division Deputy Regional Commissioner Design & Construction Division Acquisition Division Real Estate Acquisition Division Organizational Resources Division Portfolio Management Division Budget & Financial Management Division Client Solutions Division Real Property Utilization & Disposal Division Regional Reinvestment Executive How PBS (Region 4) Is Organized

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