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Methodology: Collecting into Art M ARK D ION. W HAT DO YOU THINK D ION MEANS BY THIS ?  “Some artists paint, some sculpt, some take photographs… and.

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Presentation on theme: "Methodology: Collecting into Art M ARK D ION. W HAT DO YOU THINK D ION MEANS BY THIS ?  “Some artists paint, some sculpt, some take photographs… and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodology: Collecting into Art M ARK D ION

2 W HAT DO YOU THINK D ION MEANS BY THIS ?  “Some artists paint, some sculpt, some take photographs… and I shop.”

3 Travels of William Bartram Reconsidered (equipment)  Mark Dion collects many things that catch his eye for one reason or another. Consider the wide range of materials in the installation “Travels of William Bartram Reconsidered (equipment).” Travels of William Bartram Reconsidered (equipment), 2008 Tarp, tools, maps, and books Dimensions variable; 88 x 66 inches as displayed Courtesy of the Artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York, NY

4 Q UESTIONS FOR T RAVELS OF W ILLIAM B ARTRAM R ECONSIDERED ( EQUIPMENT )  What are some of the materials/items that Dion used to create this work? List as many as you can.  Are the materials used traditional “fine art” materials? Or are they everyday objects he uses in new and different ways?  Where do you think Dion found these objects?

5 A SSEMBLAGE  Mark Dion’s “Travels of William Bartram Reconsidered (equipment)” is an example of assemblage *a two or three dimensional artwork made by putting together found objects)  Many artists have used and currently use this technique, including Marcel Duchamp, Pablo Picasso, Robert Rauschenberg, and Sarah Sze.

6 A RT P ROJECT A SSIGNMENT  Using some of the techniques used by Mark Dion, this is your opportunity to design and create an original art project that illuminates a current issue.  Instructions:  Decide where you want to work independently or with a partner.  Think of a current issue that you would like to research and shed light on. Find out more information about the issue.  Design your project to incorporate found objects, realia, and/or technology.  Create your project and be prepared to share it with your classmates in a “Walking Gallery.”

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