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EZWAN SHAH ABD MAJID Q1 LEVEL 2 +6017 2016227 FB: EZWAN SHAH Interest Group: Web Development IAD1133:

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Presentation on theme: "EZWAN SHAH ABD MAJID Q1 LEVEL 2 +6017 2016227 FB: EZWAN SHAH Interest Group: Web Development IAD1133:"— Presentation transcript:

1 EZWAN SHAH ABD MAJID Q1 LEVEL 2 +6017 2016227 EZWAN@UNISEL.EDU.MY FB: EZWAN SHAH HTTP://FIIT.UNISEL.EDU.MY/EZWANSHAH/ Interest Group: Web Development IAD1133: Fundamentals of Programming

2 Class Time table Group 4 (DMI) Lecture  Tuesday 3.30 – 5.30  BK 9 Lab  Wednesday 3.30 – 5.30  GL 106 Interest Group: Programming

3 Class Time table Group 6 (DAKDP+DTMA+DPI) Lecture  Friday 10.30 – 12.30  BK 1 Lab  Wednesday 10.30 – 12.30  GL 209 Interest Group: Programming

4 Course Outline Interest Group: Programming Objective In this course, student should be able to understand basic rules in programming, prepare solving problems techniques- problem analysis, algorithm, flowchart and pseudo code. Besides that, students are introducing with subprogram written, Object- Oriented concept as well as Exception and Event handling methods.

5 Synopsis This course is to introduce the concept of programming and give an approach in problem solving. This course also will help student to generate interest of learning programming languages. The steps of the programming life cycle will also be highlighted, in order to ensure the students understand the program development. Students also learn about the contents of programs such as control structures, functions, arrays an etc. Interest Group: Programming Course Outline

6 Course Assessment Interest Group: Programming Coursework60%  Assignments 30%  Quizzes 10%  Mid Term Examination 20% Final Exam 40%

7 References Interest Group: Programming Main Reference Robert W. Sebesta, “Concepts of Programming Language”, Addison Wesley 2007. Additional Reference David A. Watt, “Programming Language Design Concepts”,Wiley 2004. Robertson L. Anne, “Simple Program Design 4th Edition”, Thomson 2003. Terrence W. Pratt, “Programming Languages 4th Edition”, Pearson Prentice Hall 2001.

8 Rules and Regulation Interest Group: Programming Students who are absent for more than 80% of the prescribed classes can be barred from final exam which will result into receiving no grade for the paper. Using information from other sources and not citing the source is plagiarism, a form of CHEATING. When you are working with other students, please remember that failing to contribute adequately to the project but taking full credit for other ;s efforts is also a form for cheating. If you are caught CHEATING or TRYING TO CHEAT in your assignment(s), quiz(s), test(s) or final exam, you can and will be punished accordingly

9 Rules and Regulation Interest Group: Programming Students attending the class must follow and adhere to the University’s dress code. Any student caught not adhering to said dress code can and will be prohibited from attending my class(s) and any loss resulted from his/her absentee regarding this matter will be his/her own liability. Students at all time should maintain good manners with other student’s, lecturers and other university’s staff. Respect lecture and other student’s times and rights. No paging, messaging (SMS) or telephoning is allowed during class

10 First Class Assignment Interest Group: Programming Find any books related to the Programming Methodology at the UNISEL library. Due Date: During lecture class in a week 2.

11 THANKS Interest Group: Programming Q & a

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