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SS5305 – Advanced Motion Capture 1 Tutor: Mr. Owais Malik and Mr. Joko Triloka Room No: 2.31

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Presentation on theme: "SS5305 – Advanced Motion Capture 1 Tutor: Mr. Owais Malik and Mr. Joko Triloka Room No: 2.31"— Presentation transcript:

1 SS5305 – Advanced Motion Capture 1 Tutor: Mr. Owais Malik and Mr. Joko Triloka Room No: 2.31 Email:

2 SS5305 – Project Assignment Assessment:Examination: NONECourse Work: 100% The course work comprises of the following:- - 2 Class Tests – (20% each) - Project Assignment – (60%) 2

3 3 Advanced Motion Capture Lab for Entertainment Advanced Motion Capture Laboratory

4 Qualisys Oqus 3+ Qualisys Oqus 3+ high speed motion capture system will be used for motion analysis of dancers/athletes/soldiers. Each Oqus 3+ camera reflects infrared light off low mass, reflective targets and, in turn, measures the position of the targets with a very high spatial resolution, and also operates as a video camera. In the lab, six infrared cameras and the Qualisys Track Manager (QTM) software are available to set up a simple motion analysis experiment in which you are required to analyse small arm/lower limb motion only. This lab is intentionally basic so each student can get an efficient understanding on the Oqus 3+ cameras with a meaningful hands-on experience that is not burdensome.

5 OBJECTIVES This project assignment is planned such a way that the experiment is carried out by three/four members that are formed as a group. In the end, each student should report shared responsibilities duties on the day basis during lab sessions as per the following instructions: Every student should be familiar with Qualisys motion analysis system and be able to imagine a basic motion analysis task. Every student should understand how to collect three dimensional motion data using Six Oqus 3+ cameras set up in the Lab. Every student should be able to analyse collected data to find position, velocity, and/or acceleration of specified points on the body. Each student should understand the concept behind AIM (Automatic Identification of Markers) models, and should be able to apply a simple AIM model. Each group should have worked together, with each student sharing responsibilities and duties. The group should submit a written report and conduct a power point presentation on final outcomes of the project assignment.

6 DATA COLLECTION (15 MARKS) On the day 1 of project assignment, you will set up the cameras before lab begins. This includes plugging in power cords for cameras and connecting cables so that the cameras are connected to the computer and to each other. In future labs, individual lab groups will set up the cameras. Please follow the instructions given by Mr. Joko and Mr. Owais during the first day of lab session. First day of lab, the explanation of daisy chain method camera connection set up which the host cable goes from the Ethernet port of the PC to camera 1 (the left data port on the back) followed by the second data cable goes from the right side of the back of camera 1 to the data port on the left side of the back of camera 2 and subsequently the rest of the cameras connections remembered for all remaining lab sessions. Please note that this lab is used for research and before you will begin each lab session, you must make sure the daisy chain connectivity of all six cameras.

7 DATA COLLECTION (15 MARKS) – CONT. Start the Qualisys Track Manager software. In the program select tools, and then workspace options, connections and locate system. If the system recognized six cameras, you are ready to proceed. Select file and new. Select capture and calibrate. Set the L frame on the floor and adjust it so that all four markers can be seen by all six cameras. Assemble the wand and hold it so that both markers can also be recognized by all six cameras. Each camera should show that it recognized the same total number of markers on the frame and the wand. Move the wand around and get the volume enclosed by the camera views for your motion desired.

8 DATA COLLECTION (15 MARKS) – CONT. Set the calibration for 60 seconds and after beginning, twirl and translate the wand throughout the volume. Upon finishing calibration write down the standard deviation on the length of the wand that is given for your calibration. Attach reflective markers to one lab partner’s necessary body joints in which motion or/and swing occur. Identify marker position of the lab partner in static posture. Capture necessary motion (dynamic) for 60 seconds at the desired frequency set. In the last 20 seconds, try to achieve maximum angular velocity and acceleration. Use the save as command to save the file so that you can open the data and analyze it. Now collect a second set of data for 60 seconds of swinging. Save it with a different filename.

9 DATA ANALYSIS (35 MARKS) Open the Qualisys Track Manager software. Simultaneously left-click and right-click using the touch pad to zoom out until you can see the cameras and the field of view. Left- click allows you to rotate the view and right-click allows you to pan. The Timeline control bar is shown at the bottom of all view windows in file mode. It is used to indicate and to select the current frame, the trace range and the measurement range. The trace range is the amount of trace that is shown in the 3D view window and it is selected with the two bottom sliders. Slide the bottom slider all the way to the right to set the trace range to include all of your data. In the trajectory window, your trajectories should be labelled as unidentified trajectories. Right click on an unidentified trajectory and chose identify and labeled. Double-click on the name of each labelled trajectory and label the trajectories of the markers as appropriate. When you have double clicked on the name of an identified trajectory, it should appear as a white trajectory in the View window. Repeat until you have labelled all of the trajectories.

10 DATA ANALYSIS (35 MARKS) – CONT. Create the necessary human motion stick model reconstruction from QTM. Highlight necessary joints in the labelled trajectories window, right click and analyze velocity components of necessary joints chosen. Plot minimum and maximum velocity components in the x, y and z direction for the chosen joints. Right click in the plot to turn on the toolbar and the data editor. Use the save chart button to save the chart as a bitmap file to attach to your project assignment write-up.

11 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS (10 MARKS) Each group will do a presentation during the class based on each member’s involvement in this project assignment. The duration shall be 20 minutes of oral presentation and 10 minutes of questions and answers from the lecturer and tutors.

12 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS (10 MARKS) - CONT Each group will submit a comprehensive report of 12 pages, excluding figures, addressing precisely the analysis of results (NOT just graphs printed using QTM), conclusions and remarks based on the following format; Introduction which explains the use of motion capture system for entertainment, in particular the application domain each group used. Number of pages shall be TWO pages excluding figures. Data Collection which describes the placement of markers for the application chosen illustrating appropriate human body parts precisely. Number of pages shall be THREE pages excluding figures. Analysis of results which discusses the interpretation of all graphs and stick model reconstruction obtained using QTM. Number of pages shall be FIVE pages excluding figures. Conclusion and Remarks which provides overall judgement of the use of motion capture system for the application chosen and as well as the possible expansion of the idea for the application domain chosen. Number of pages shall be TWO pages excluding figures.

13 Dates and Deadlines Dates Reserved for data collection and analysis are between Wednesday 5 th March 2014 and Wednesday 2 nd April 2014. Each lab will be only on Wednesday. Please follow all guidelines provided by instructors; Mr. Joko and Mr. Owais. Oral Presentation is scheduled for Tuesday 8 th April 2014. The deadline for the submission of report shall be on Saturday, 19 th April 2014.

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