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Common Core Institute 1 Arkansas Strategic Plan. Agenda Arkansas Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Strategic Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core Institute 1 Arkansas Strategic Plan. Agenda Arkansas Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Strategic Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core Institute 1 Arkansas Strategic Plan

2 Agenda Arkansas Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Strategic Plan

3 CCSS Implementation Plan The Arkansas plan articulates a vision of success, describing in detail various levels of alignment and implementation success, identifying best practices for alignment and implementation of standards, creating tools and methods to help districts and schools design an aligned system for learning, and incorporating points of view from a broad cross-section of stakeholders. The Arkansas plan for implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is considered to be a work-in-progress. It is constantly being revised, edited, and expanded to assist Arkansas educators as they implement CCSS. As requested, information from various stakeholders and/or organizations specified in this plan will be added in the "Additional Information" box at the end of each Strategic Action Area. All updates will be dated. Upon full implementation of the CCSS, this document is intended to show the work by Arkansas educators beginning with the initial creation of this plan in October, 2011. The Curriculum and Instruction Unit at the Arkansas Department of Education is committed to providing educators with resources to assist in implementing CCSS. A resource document titled, "What Every Arkansas Educator Needs to Know About CCSS" can be found at:

4 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication 2. Curriculum 3. Assessment 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Professional Development 6. Policy 7. Aligned Systems

5 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication a. Vision b. Delivery Chain 2. Curriculum 3. Assessment 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Professional Development 6. Policy 7. Aligned Systems



8 1b. Delivery Chain ADE Guiding Coalition Educators and Stakeholders




12 ADE CCSS LISTSERV If you want to be added to the ADE CCSS LISTSERV please email your name and district/organization to:

13 ADE CCSS LISTSERV If you are new to the LISTSERV and wish to view past communications, they are housed on the ADE Secondary Math WIKI at:

14 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication 2. Curriculum a. Institutes b. Analysis Tools, Technology 3. Assessment 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Professional Development 6. Policy 7. Aligned Systems

15 2a. Institutes December 8, 2011 Arkansas CCSS Strategic Plan January 31, 2012 Assessment Literacy March 13, 2012 Formative Assessment May 10, 2012 Learning Progressions

16 Institutes

17 2b. Analysis Tools and Technology Analysis Tools ELA Math Technology List of Instructional Technology Coordinators across the state

18 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication 2. Curriculum 3. Assessment a. Assessment Literacy PD b. Formative Assessment, Data c. Waiver, Transition Plan, PARCC 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Professional Development 6. Policy 7. Aligned Systems

19 3. Assessment 3a. Assessment Literacy PD Institute #2 – January 31, 2012 3b. Formative Assessment, Data Institute #3 – March 13, 2012 3c. Waiver, Transition Plan, PARCC Five public meetings


21 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication 2. Curriculum 3. Assessment 4. Instructional Leadership a. Implementation b. Support 5. Professional Development 6. Policy 7. Aligned Systems

22 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication 2. Curriculum 3. Assessment 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Professional Development a. Collaborative Capacity b. Digital Clearinghouse c. Professional Development Plan and Modules, Data 6. Policy 7. Aligned Systems

23 Arkansas Digital Resources Arkansas iTunesU Arkansas Digital Sandbox Arkansas IDEAS

24 A Guide for Professional Development Planning for Implementation of the Common Core State Standards 1. Awareness 2. Going deeper 3. Focusing on Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 4. Evaluation

25 Math and ELA Sessions Math September 29, 2011 December 1, 2011 February 29, 2012 May 16, 2012 ELA February 15, 2012 April 30, 2012



28 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication 2. Curriculum 3. Assessment 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Professional Development 6. Policy a. Feedback System b. Policy List, Alignment c. Evaluation and allocation of resources 7. Aligned Systems

29 6. Policy 6a. Feedback System Feedback to co-ops Contact Tracy Tucker: 6b. Policy List, Alignment list 6c.Evaluation and allocation of resources Reference 2b. Analysis Tools

30 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication 2. Curriculum 3. Assessment 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Professional Development 6. Policy 7. Aligned Systems a. Strategic plan, Online self-monitoring tool b. Alignment

31 7. Aligned System 7a. Strategic plan, Online self-monitoring tool 7b. Alignment

32 Strategic Action Areas 1. Communication 2. Curriculum 3. Assessment 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Professional Development 6. Policy 7. Aligned Systems


34 Additional Links

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