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International Opportunities for Schools The British Council The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural.

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2 International Opportunities for Schools

3 The British Council The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations More than 70 years experience in public diplomacy Offices in 109 countries Building lasting relationships; broadening the UK’s world view

4 Partnerships between schools in the UK and schools in other countries are a powerful and exciting way of bringing a global dimension into the lives of young people and teachers and of enhancing the teaching of languages

5 Funded by DCSF, EU and FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth office) DCSF – programmes support National Languages Strategy DfES International Strategy (International School Award and the Global Gateway)International School Award Global Gateway - Every English pupil will have an international experience while at school - Every English school and college will establish a sustainable partnership with an equivalent by 2010 EU – programmes support Lifelong Learning Programme including Comenius FCO – programmes support Connecting Classrooms school partnerships support UK governments public diplomacy (promoting intercultural dialogue)

6 Other UK government policies the international dimension can support Revised KS3 Curriculum from 2008 Development of a big picture of the curriculum that includes sustainable futures and the global dimension, cultural diversity and identity and community and civic participation National Languages Strategy and entitlement to language learning for every pupil in key stage 2 by 2010 (56% now). Every child at Key Stage 2 to study a foreign language and develop their interest in the culture of other nations. High quality teaching and learning to make use of native speakers and e-learning. Community Cohesion Standards Curriculum content contributes to an appreciation of cultural diversity and challenges prejudice, bias and stereotype The mainstream curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to learn about and become involved in the life of their communities

7 The British Council can Help you find a partner school/cluster/LA overseas Support you in developing a successful international partnership Give you access to online resources and webspaces Give you a grant to support activity Give you professional development opportunities Give you access to accreditation

8 What is Connecting Classrooms? British Council Connecting Classrooms builds lasting partnerships between groups of schools in the UK and around the world. Through these partnerships, the programme develops trust and understanding between different communities, and gives young people the skills and cultural awareness they need to live and work in a global society.

9 Connecting Classrooms is characterised by three principles. Aiming to bring about systemic change by working with ministries, government agencies and curriculum bodies worldwide Working to embed the international dimension in the culture and ethos of schools involved Reaching millions through strategic links, media partnerships, networks and high profile events Scope & dissemination: Sustainability: Systemic impact:

10 Connecting Classrooms has three core components which will be delivered worldwide. COLLABORATIVE LEARNING Collaborative Curriculum Projects RECOGNITION International School Award PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT To embed the international dimension Next

11 Collaborative curriculum projects Enable learners to interact across Geographical boundaries to enhance their understanding of each others societies, languages and cultures. Back

12 Professional development To enable teachers and school leaders to build capacity, support, international partnerships and embed the international dimension within the culture and ethos of the schools involved. Back

13 Recognition Schools that participate in Connecting Classrooms become eligible for the International School Award, recognising the school’s commitment to forming international partnerships and developing global citizens Back

14 In order to respond to different educational priorities around the world, Connecting Classrooms also offers flexibility through a unique menu of additional options. COLLABORATIVE LEARNING Core: Collaborative Curriculum Projects RECOGNITION Core: International School Award PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Core: To embed the international dimension Global Citizen Award International Teacher Award International Leader Award Community Action Projects Language Projects Bilateral Leadership Programme Coaching and Mentoring Students as Leaders Arts Projects


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