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Parent Councils Parent Councils Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Councils Parent Councils Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Councils Parent Councils Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning

2 Why parental involvement? The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 – Where parents are involved, children do better and achieve more.

3 Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 The law aims to help all parents to be :  involved with their child's education and learning  welcomed as active participants in the life of the school, and  encouraged to express their views on school education.

4 So, as a parent, what’s my role? Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning

5 What is the Parent Forum and Parent Council?  Every parent with a child at the school is a member of the Parent Forum.  The Parent Forum can choose to have their views represented through a Parent Council.  Parent Council is a smaller body that can represent parents’ views to the school, local authority and HMIe.

6 What does the Parent Council do?  Support the school in its work with pupils  Gather and represent the views of parents and carers  Encourage links between the school, parents and carers, pupils, pre-school groups and the wider community  Be involved in appointment of senior staff

7 What can the Parent Council do?  Support the school in developing strong home / school partnerships  Capture the wide and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience parents can offer  Fundraise  Assist at and organise events

8 What the Parent Council is not  A group with responsibility for what goes on in school  A group to which the Head Teacher is ‘accountable’  A group independent of other parents  A group which ignores the views / wishes of the majority of parents  A group which majors on the views / wishes of a minority of parents  A group which seeks to ‘divide and conquer’  A single interest group NB. The PI Act allows for members to be removed from the Parent Council Key word - Partnership

9 How can parents get involved? Offer your skills to the school   Organise / offer to help with an extra curricular activity   Help with outings / trips   Help at parents evenings   Help with fund-raising   Set up / help with breakfast club   Organise a walking bus

10 How can parents get involved?   Get involved in the eco schools initiative   Run a settling in day / evening   Get a newsletter going   What about a parents ’ website?   Offer to get involved in the Parent Council   Ask what ’ s needed and offer to do anything helpful to the school! Offer your skills to the school – Partnership!!!

11 What about finances?  Parent Council bank account  Annual allocation  Public liability insurance

12 Useful websites Parentzone  National Parent Forum of Scotland Scottish Parent Teacher Council 

13 Useful Contacts  Elaine Kirkham 01463702927  Ros Bell 01463216627

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