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Course Planning Creating a roadmap for student learning Photo by ntr23ntr23 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Planning Creating a roadmap for student learning Photo by ntr23ntr23 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Planning Creating a roadmap for student learning Photo by ntr23ntr23 1

2 Goals Introduce the principles of backward course design and alignment Draft and share feedback on learning objectives Apply the principle of alignment to analyze a philosophy course syllabus Provide resources for course planning 2

3 Principle of Backward Design (Wiggins and McTighe, 2005; also Tyler, 1949; Diamond, 1998; Walvoord, 1998) Learning Objectives Assessments Teaching Methods 3

4 Principle of Backward Design (Wiggins and McTighe, 2005; also Tyler, 1949; Diamond, 1998; Walvoord, 1998) Learning Objectives Assessments Teaching Methods Examples of Misalignment 4

5 Effective Learning Objectives: A.L.A.R.M.S. A Active L Learner-Centered A Attainable R Relevant M Measureable S Specific 5

6 Practice assessing learning objectives Do these learning objectives for undergraduates (from Berkeley’s philosophy department) satisfy the ALARMS criteria? Why or why not? A deeper and more detailed understanding of the work of at least two historically important philosophers. Familiarity with the most important topics in ethics and the related field of political philosophy. The general capacity to think analytically and creatively about philosophical texts and issues. 6

7 Drafting Learning Objectives Using the ALARMS criteria, draft a learning objective for a class you are teaching or hope to teach. A – Active L – Learner Centered A – Attainable R – Relevant M – Measureable S – Specific Use Bloom’s Taxonomy handout as a guide. 7

8 Sample Course Syllabus Answer the following questions: 1.Can you identify the course goals? (i.e., knowledge, skills, or values) 2.What are the evaluation/assessment methods? (i.e., classroom assessment techniques, graded assignments or both) 3.What pedagogical techniques are used? (i.e., types of exercises or activities) 4.In what ways are the course goals, pedagogical techniques and evaluation/assessment methods aligned? 8

9 Q&A and other resources CRLT GSI Guidebook chapter and worksheet on syllabus design McTighe and Wiggins. (2005). Understanding by Design (2 nd edition). New York: Pearson. Niemer, R. & Bregman, A. (2012, April). How Learning Objectives Can Save Your Classroom. Center for Research on Learning and Teaching. Retrieved from Whetten, D. A. (2007). Principles of effective course design: What I wish I had known about learning-centered teaching 30 years ago. Journal of Management Inquiry, 31, 339-357. 9

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